October is
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
To Honor our Breast Cancer Survivors, the office of Dr. Mark Bishara & The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa offer Breast Cancer patients
Free Radiation Tattoo Removal in the month of October
For patients who have undergone breast cancer surgery and have completed radiation therapy, we offer free tattoo removal for their radiation tattoos.
Please call our office to schedule your appointment at (817) 473-2120

The innovative FemiLift™ procedure is done in office using a novel, minimally invasive technology that requires no post procedure down time. Patients report a near-immediate return to activity, including sexual intercourse.
FemiLift can be incorporated into most professional offices and gives providers the opportunity to meet an ever increasing demand for innovative vaginal procedures.

  • Minimally invasive, virtually painless procedure
  • Gentle treatment for controlled safety and accuracy
  • Maximum precision with Alma CO2 laser, the right wavelength and perfect pulse
  • Fast and efficient delivery of fractionated laser energy split into micro pixels
  • No post treatment downtime
  • Excellent patient satisfaction and long term success

The lasting benefits of skin resurfacing can be an improved quality of life and deeply enhanced self esteem.

Safe, Accurate and Remarkably Effective

The FemiLift handpiece is a precision tool yet designed for ease of use. The probe features 360 degree rotation which puts complete control of the procedure in your hands. At the same time, the procedure takes only about 30 minutes. With no downtime and a minimal risk of infection, bleeding and other side effects patient satisfaction is high.

Please call the office of Dr. Bishara and The Paragon Plastic Surgery at 817-473-2120 for more information on this procedure.

Vaginoplasty is a procedure that aims to “tighten up” a vagina that’s become slack or loose from vaginal childbirth or aging.
Labiaplasty, plastic surgery on the labia (the “lips” surrounding the vagina), can be performed alone or with vaginoplasty. Surgery can be performed on the labia major (the larger, outer vaginal lips), or the labia minor (the smaller, inner vaginal lips). Labiaplasty changes the size or shape of the labia, typically making them smaller or correcting an asymmetry between them.
Surgeries Related to Vaginoplasty and Labiaplasty
More recently, vaginoplasty has grown into a group of cosmetic surgeries marketed as “vaginal rejuvenation” and “designer vagina” procedures. Vaginoplasty and Labiaplasty surgeries give benefits to women as with other cosmetic surgeries, such as beauty, self-esteem, and confidence.
Women’s genitals naturally have a wide range of normal appearances that are anatomically correct. There’s no one “look” or right way for a vagina and labia to be formed.
This Information is Brought to you courtesy of Dr. Bishara and The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa
En Espanol
La vaginoplastia es un procedimiento que tiene como objetivo “reforzar” una vagina que se ha vuelto flojo o suelto del parto vaginal o el envejecimiento.
LABIAPLASTÍA, cirugía plástica en los labios (los “labios” de la vagina), se puede realizar solo o con VAGINOPLASTIA. Cirugía se puede realizar en los principales LABIA (cuanto más grande, labios externos de la vagina), o los labios menores (los más pequeños, LABIOS vaginales internos). LABIAPLASTÍA cambia el tamaño o la forma de los labios, haciendo TÍPICAMENTE más pequeños o corregir una asimetría entre ellos.
Más recientemente, la vaginoplastia ha crecido hasta convertirse en un grupo de cirugías cosméticas comercializados como “rejuvenecimiento vaginal” y procedimientos “de la vagina de diseño”. Cirugías y Vaginoplastia Labioplastia dan beneficios a las mujeres al igual que con otras cirugías cosméticas, como la belleza, la autoestima y la confianza.
Genitales de las mujeres, naturalmente, tienen una amplia gama de apariencias normales que son anatómicamente correcta. No hay nadie “look” o camino correcto para una vagina y los labios a formar.
Esta información llega a usted por cortesía del Dr. Bishara y La Cirugía Plástica y Paragon Med Spa

When it comes to tackling the signs of aging, you have to look at the problems that exist—loose skin, a loss of volume and textural changes. Fillers and injectables and surgery are not substitutes for one another. If the skin needs to be redraped, you need surgery. A filler can do a lot of things but it can’t ever get rid of loose skin. It’s important to be educated on the rejuvenating modalities available. Recovery, risks and expenses need to be considered. When comparing fillers, lasers and surgery, the price tag associated with each can be quite different, ranging froma few hundred to a few thousand dollars, if not more. Fillers and injectables are the most affordable option; lasers fall between fillers and surgery; surgery is the most expensive option.
Choose skin tightening treatments if you have minimal looseness in the neck area: Different from a true laser but often labeled as such, skin-tightening devices (relies on radio-frequency energy) to tighten loose skin by stimulating collagen at the dermal layer.They don’t resurface the texture of the skin but instead cause new collagen to be created by deeply heating the underlying layers of the skin with energy like ultrasound or radio frequency. The existing collagen is injured and reorganizes itself as part of the healing process. As it does this it tightens the skin to some degree.
What it can’t do: Correct textural issues; give the same end result as what can be accomplished with a facelift or necklift
What it can do: Create new collagen, which, in turn, lends a smoothing and tightening effect; can also be used to correct slight looseness in the cheeks and eyelids
Choose a necklift if you have moderate to extreme laxity and sagging in the neck area: A smooth, long neck is a quintessential characteristic of femininity. But with time, the neck loses its elastic support and the muscles become lax. If we are concerned as to how the neck line is defined, surgery may be the best option to correct it. During the procedure, neck muscles are tightened up and extra skin is trimmed away. If extra fat is also a problem, it can be removed.
What it can’t do: Improve skin quality
What it can do: Restore definition to the lower part of the face; reduce banding in the neck
Combination therapies, in which doctors use a mix-and-match approach to rejuvenation, are important. You almost always have to use lasers, skin care, neurotoxins, fillers and surgery together for the best results. For total rejuvenation it’s often recommended that several different procedures be done. While you can get good results with just surgery, a laser or fillers alone, using them in tandem may create better results. Surgery works to first rebuild the structure and foundation of the face so you know how much filler needs to be added to restore the lost volume. A good ongoing skin-care program is the true icing on the cake.
This Information is brought to you courtesy of Dr. Bishara and The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa
En Espanol
Cuando se trata de la lucha contra los signos del envejecimiento, hay que mirar a los problemas que existen, suelta la piel, pérdida de volumen y cambios de textura. Las cargas y los inyectables y la cirugía no son sustitutos de los unos a los otros. Si la piel tiene que recubre, necesita cirugía. Un relleno puede hacer un montón de cosas pero no puede nunca deshacerse de la piel floja. Es importante ser educados sobre las modalidades de rejuvenecimiento disponibles. Recuperación, riesgos y gastos deben ser considerados. Al comparar las cargas, los rayos láser y la cirugía, la etiqueta de precio asociado a cada puede ser muy diferente, que van froma pocos cientos a unos miles de dólares, si no más. Las cargas y los inyectables son la opción más asequible; láser se clasifican entre las cargas y la cirugía; la cirugía es la opción más cara.
Elija apretar los tratamientos de la piel si tiene holgura mínima en el área del cuello: A diferencia de un verdadero láser pero a menudo etiquetados como tales dispositivos, tensión de la piel (depende de la energía de radio-frecuencia) para tensar la piel floja estimulando el colágeno en la dermis layer.They no recubrir la textura de la piel, sino que causan nuevo colágeno que se creará mediante el calentamiento profundamente las capas subyacentes de la piel con energía como ultrasonido o frecuencia de radio. El colágeno existente se lesiona y se reorganiza como parte del proceso de curación. Como se hace esto se tensa la piel hasta cierto grado.
Lo que no puede hacer: cuestiones de textura correctos; dar el mismo resultado final como lo que puede lograrse con un estiramiento facial o lifting de cuello
Lo que puede hacer: Crear nuevo colágeno, lo que, a su vez, se presta un alisado y efecto tensor; también se puede utilizar para corregir ligera holgura en las mejillas y los párpadosElegir un lifting de cuello si tiene de moderada a extrema laxitud y flacidez en el cuello: A, largo cuello suave es una característica por excelencia de la feminidad. Pero con el tiempo, el cuello pierde su soporte elástico y los músculos se vuelva flácida. Si estamos preocupados en cuanto a cómo se define la línea del cuello, la cirugía puede ser la mejor opción para corregirlo. Durante el procedimiento, los músculos del cuello se tensan y piel sobrante se recorta. Si la grasa extra es también un problema, que se puede quitar.
Lo que no puede hacer: Mejorar la calidad de la piel
Lo que puede hacer: Restaurar definición a la parte inferior de la cara; reducir las bandas en el cuello
Las terapias de combinación, en la que los médicos utilizan un enfoque mix-and-match para el rejuvenecimiento, son importantes. Casi siempre se tiene que utilizar el láser, cuidado de la piel, neurotoxinas, cargas y cirugía juntos para los mejores resultados. Para el rejuvenecimiento total a menudo se recomienda que se realicen diferentes tipos de procedimientos. Mientras que usted puede conseguir buenos resultados con la cirugía sólo, un láser o rellenos solo, usarlos en conjunto pueden crear mejores resultados. Cirugía trabaja para reconstruir primero la estructura y fundamento de la cara para que sepa cómo necesita mucho de relleno que se añade a restaurar el volumen perdido. Un buen programa de cuidado de la piel en curso es la verdadera guinda del pastel.
Esta información es traído a usted por cortesía del Dr. Bishara y La Cirugía Plástica y Paragon Med Spa

Plagued by less than taut skin but don’t want to go the surgical route? From your face and your neck to your stomach and beyond, loose skin can be treated nonsurgically with skin-tightening devices, which offer real results—in record time—making them totally worth the expense. “Skin tighteners are safe for all skin types and colors. They are not long procedures—30 minutes at most. And, when used on the face, they tighten skin in a way that is really natural.

How it works:
With a handful of options to choose from, skin-tightening machines, make use of radio-frequency or ultrasound energy, infrared light or direct heat to tighten skin from the inside out. With each treatment (six to eight every one to two weeks are needed, as well as annual maintenance treatments), the skin tightens as new collagen grows via the energy source that was emitted.

What to expect:
For the best results, you need to have some loose skin but firm muscles. It can take three to six months for the results to appear. You can’t beat the results you get for the price without having to undergo anesthesia and a recovery period.

The benefits:
Skin tighteners are pain- and downtime-free. It’s a great option for someone who doesn’t want to spend what surgery costs or isn’t ready for surgery but wants to fix the laxity.

The cost factor
: Skin tightening Treatments (most machines are not first-generation and major research dollars have gone into fine-tuning them) don’t put nearly as big of a dent in your bank account as surgery. A skin tightener isn’t even in the same ballpark price- wise. There’s no downtime and next to no risk.
This Information is Brought to you courtesy of Dr. Bishara and The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa