What is Laser 360?

The Laser 360 laser treatment is a combination laser package treatment that is appropriate for use in a variety of conditions affecting the skin. The laser 360 is effective in achieving improvements in skin color, tone, texture and tightening. The laser 360 program is comprised of three different laser systems applied to a patient over a period of 60 days.

Who are the best candidates for the Laser 360 Program?

Patients who want healthier looking skin, and patients who are not ready for a facelift, but are disappointed with the performance of topical creams and lotions are typically ideal candidates for the Laser 360 program. Laser360™ is a skin treatment for anyone who would like to revitalize their look without invasive procedures or injections. You don’t have to hate your fine lines and wrinkles or skin discoloration and think of it as an inevitable part of the aging process.  We can help take back some of the damage done to your skin.


Using 3 cutting-edge technologies, Laser360 is a non-invasive procedure that provides lasting results in just 60 days through a series of office visits. These skin tightening treatments are safe, comfortable and effective without surgery or down time. It can be used on any skin type, and you are free to return to normal activities immediately after each session.


Laser360 uses 3 technologies to provide complete skin rejuvenation:

  1. AFT intense pulsed light for color
    reduces tiny broken blood vessels and other color irregularities
  2. Near-infrared for tightness
    firms up any loose skin
  3. Pixel® for texture and tone
    stimulates new collagen to grow to improve skin’s texture and tone to smooth fine lines and wrinkles

Each technology is delivered through a simple handpiece that is placed against your skin. The treated area will gradually rejuvenate over the course of your customized treatment plan. Please call our office to find out more about Laser360.  For more information about us, feel free to explore our website at, or call the office today at 817.473.2120.
Before & After Pictures of a patient who was treated with Laser360:


En Espanol
TRATAMIENTO LASER DE LA PIEL 360 en el Paragon MED SPA- en Mansfield cerca de Southlake UBICACIONES
El tratamiento con láser láser 360 es un tratamiento de láser paquete de combinación que es apropiado para el uso en una variedad de condiciones que afectan a la piel. El láser 360 es eficaz en el logro de mejoras en el color de la piel, el tono, la textura y el endurecimiento. El programa de láser 360 se compone de tres sistemas de láser diferentes aplicados a un paciente durante un período de 60 días.
Los pacientes que desean una piel de aspecto saludable, y los pacientes que no están listos para un lavado de cara, pero está decepcionado con el rendimiento de las cremas y lociones tópicas suelen ser candidatos ideales para el programa Laser 360. Laser360 ™ es un tratamiento de la piel para cualquier persona que le gustaría revitalizar su mirada sin procedimientos invasivos o inyecciones. Usted no tiene que odiar a sus líneas finas y arrugas o decoloración de la piel y pensar en ella como una parte inevitable del proceso de envejecimiento. Podemos ayudar a tomar de nuevo algunos de los daños causados a su piel.
El uso de 3 tecnologías de vanguardia, Laser360 es un procedimiento no invasivo que ofrece resultados duraderos en sólo 60 días a través de una serie de visitas a la oficina. Estos tratamientos estiramiento de la piel son seguros, cómodos y eficaces sin necesidad de cirugía o tiempo de inactividad. Puede ser utilizado en cualquier tipo de piel, y usted es libre de volver a sus actividades normales inmediatamente después de cada sesión.
Laser360 utiliza 3 tecnologías para ofrecer un rejuvenecimiento completo de la piel:
Luz intensa pulsada AFT para el colorreduce pequeños vasos sanguíneos rotos y otras irregularidades del colorInfrarrojo cercano para la tiranteza reafirmar la piel flojaPixel® para la textura y el tonoestimula el crecimiento de nuevo colágeno para mejorar la textura y el tono de la piel para suavizar las líneas finas y arrugasCada tecnología se entrega a través de una pieza de mano simple que se coloca sobre la piel. El área tratada rejuvenecerá gradualmente en el transcurso de su plan de tratamiento personalizado. Por favor llame a nuestra oficina para averiguar más acerca de Laser360. Para obtener más información sobre nosotros, no dude en explorar nuestro sitio web en, o llame a la oficina hoy en 817.473.2120.
Fotos Antes y Después de un paciente que fue tratado con Laser360:
Antes y Después Fotos | 360Before láser y Después Fotos | Laser 360

There you are, living your life and so proud that you’ve gotten into the habit of using daily sunscreen, when one day you look down and, What? Are those sun spots on my feet?
Sorry, but yeah, probably. It’s so easy to consistently miss spots either accidentally or because you don’t think they get enough sun exposure to warrant sunscreen application. And since sun damage is cumulative (five minutes here, 10 there, over the course of a lifetime really adds up), it’s super important to take extra care to cover neglected skin as to keep your entire face and body looking young and fresh for as long as possible.
We’ve zeroed in on three body parts where sun damage commonly sneaks up. If you already see damage there, you can take steps to undo it, and if you don’t, then there’s no time like the present to take a proactive approach.
Spotty Chest
Why: V-necks, sheer fabric and itty bitty bikinis leave the vulnerable skin on your chest exposed to regular UV assault. Even sporadic exposure from the car or walking in and out of buildings contributes to this damage and discoloration.
What to do: Targeted products with brightening ingredients such as kojic acid, licorice extract, soy or niacinamide can help. Follow your normal skincare routine, but bring it down to the chest, and daily sunscreen is key to keep the spots from getting darker. For even more prevention, cover up with a scarf while dining outside or at sporting events.
Discolored Hairline
Why: So, you have a mysterious brown headband up at the top of your forehead? This is a common issue because the top of the forehead gets a lot of sun exposure, but people don’t like putting sunscreen there because it makes the hair greasy.
What to do: The best way to prevent this is with a hat, but at the very least, be sure to blend your sunscreen all the way up to your hairline. Matte or cream-to-powder formulas won’t gunk up your hair. To fade discoloration, the same ingredients that work on your chest (see above) work here, and additionally, chemical peels and IPL treatments in a derm’s office can help. Severe cases could benefit from a prescription retinoid or hydroquinone.
Old Feet
Why: Anyone who loves the freedom of wearing flip flops is prone to haggard feet, and the skin there is thinner than on the legs. Sun damage here can range from rough texture and fine lines to pigment changes.
What to do: Apply sunscreen and let it dry before slipping into sandals. Sunscreen formulated for active lifestyles and sports stays put longer, and handy sprays make it easy to coat your legs and feet. At night, wash and scrub your feet thoroughly and apply foot cream to keep skin soft and young.
This Information is brought to you courtesy of Dr. Mark Bishara and The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa
Please also visit our Facebook page at the Paragon Plastic Surgery and Medspa for more information and news.

Rejuvenate dead, irritated skin and even out wrinkles with this skin secret.

If wrinkles, dry skin and acne are transforming you into someone you don’t recognize, this secret to rejuvenating skin could help fix your biggest skin problems and help you look younger, fast. While it may sound harsh at first, the right acids can actually help eliminate rough skin, soothe blemishes, plump up skin cells and smooth away fine lines. Learn which three acids can help you turn back time and renew your skin with this anti-aging acid guide.
Glycolic acid
: Wrinkles
How it works
: This wrinkle-fighting acid is an exfoliator that safely removes the outer layer of dead skin cells so that plump new cells can rise to the surface. Glycolic acid helps stimulate the growth of collagen, which is responsible for skin’s elasticity and which breaks down with aging. Glycolic acid can help smooth out fine lines and diminish the appearance of wrinkles.
Lactic acid
: Dry skin 
How it works
: This acid helps skin look younger in two ways. First, lactic acid helps to slough away surface dry skin. Second, it acts a humectant, which means it pulls water into the skin and holds it there, making skin look fresh and young.
Salicylic acid
: Acne
How it works
: This acid reduces shedding of cells inside follicles and helps to loosen dry, scaly skin. This helps break down thick layers of dead skin cells that can block follicles and lead to acne. When salicylic acid is used alongside other topical medicines, it also allows them to penetrate more deeply.
These ingredients can be found in many skincare products, including the SkinCeuticals skin care line – just check the labels and get on your way to younger-looking skin. Also be sure to check labels for any warnings or side effects, since some of these may temporarily make your skin more sensitive or likely to sunburn. If you experience irritation, stop using the new product and ask your doctor about a gentler alternative.
Please call today and ask one of our aestheticians which SkinCeuticals product would be best for you and your skin type.  You can reach The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa at (817) 473-2120 or visit our website at


Your skin goes through a lot during the day. We unknowingly touch it with our fingers constantly and leave behind dirt, oil and bacteria. On top of that, it’s exposed to the sun, pollution and other factors that can cause damage. All of these combined are a perfect recipe for breakouts and signs of aging like wrinkles. That’s why the break your skin gets while you sleep is so important.
Follow these tips to make sure you wake up with gorgeous skin every day.
1. Get enough sleep
This one seems like a no-brainer, but there are still so many that don’t get enough shut-eye. Sleep is especially important because it gives your skin time to recharge. If you don’t get enough sleep, there are both short and long-term consequences. Short term effects are seen immediately [with] under eye bags, dark circles and sensitive skin. These usually go away when the appropriate number of hours of sleep hass been met. If someone is constantly not getting enough sleep, it can lead to inflammation and acceleration in aging, resulting in the appearance of wrinkles and even acne.
2. Avoid salty food three to four hours before bedtime
Foods that have high sodium content lead to dehydration, which is what you want to avoid for your skin while asleep. Salty foods can cause puffy eyes because of the extra fluid retained.
3. Sleep on your back
Sleeping with your face directly touching your pillow often leads to lines and creases in the skin, which can become permanent.  Sleeping on your back is best because it prevents neck and back pain, reduces acid reflux, minimizes wrinkles, and maintains perky breasts.
4. Give your skin a final wipe after you cleanse
Cleansing is an absolute must, but to avoid having a little bit of makeup left over, do the following: After you rinse off your cleanser, do a final swipe over the skin with a wipe or soft, damp washcloth. “The physical sweep over the skin makes sure that makeup is off. This will give your skin a clean slate to absorb the reparative ingredients that you’re going to use.
5. Use a good moisturizer for your skin type
Many forgo moisturizer at night because they want to let their skin “breathe,” but that’s actually a misconception. The concept of your skin breathing is actually incorrect, there are no respiratory systems in your skin. Your skin is like a fish and needs water to live. Without enough moisture, the skin cells dehydrate and skin produces extra oil to compensate causing wrinkles and acne.
When looking for a moisturizer, choose one that doesn’t contain sunscreen. The main goal of sunscreen is to protect skin from UV light, but non-sunscreen moisturizers will typically have a higher concentration of skin-benefitting ingredients, which is best for nighttime.
6. Use an eye cream
If there’s any time of day when you absolutely should wear an eye cream, it’s at night. They work better at night because you’re not wearing makeup. That said, be careful not to put them too close to your lash line because your lashes can pick it up and deposit it into the eye, which causes puffiness.
This Information is brought to you courtesy of Dr. Bishara and The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa
Please visit us on Facebook at The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Medspa

En Espanol
Su piel pasa por muchos durante el día. Nosotros, sin saberlo, tocamos con los dedos constantemente y dejamos atrás la suciedad, el aceite y las bacterias. Además de eso, está expuesta al sol, la contaminación y otros factores que pueden causar daños. Todos estos combinados son una receta perfecta para sesiones individuales y los signos de envejecimiento como las arrugas. Es por eso que es tan importante el descanso su piel se pone mientras duerme.
Siga estos consejos para asegurarse de que usted se despierta con una piel hermosa todos los días.
1. Duerma lo suficiente
Éste parece una obviedad, pero todavía hay muchos que no reciben suficiente cerrar los ojos. El sueño es especialmente importante, ya que da tiempo a su piel para recargar. Si no duerme lo suficiente, hay consecuencias tanto a corto como a largo plazo. Los efectos a corto plazo se observan de inmediato [con] bolsas bajo los ojos, las ojeras y la piel sensible. Estos por lo general desaparecen cuando se reunió con el número adecuado de horas de sueño hass. Si alguien está en constante no dormir lo suficiente, puede conducir a la inflamación y la aceleración en el envejecimiento, lo que resulta en la aparición de arrugas e incluso acné.
2. Evite los alimentos salados tres a cuatro horas antes de acostarse
Los alimentos que tienen alto contenido de sodio conducen a la deshidratación, que es lo que quiere evitar para su piel mientras está dormido. Los alimentos salados pueden causar ojos hinchados debido al exceso de líquido retenido.
3. Dormir boca arriba
Dormir con la cara tocando directamente su almohada a menudo conduce a las líneas y arrugas en la piel, que pueden llegar a ser permanente. Dormir boca arriba es mejor, ya que evita el cuello y dolor de espalda, reduce el reflujo ácido, minimiza las arrugas y mantiene pechos turgentes.
4. Dale a tu piel una limpieza final después de limpiar
La limpieza es una necesidad absoluta, pero para evitar tener un poco de maquillaje sobra, haga lo siguiente: Después de enjuagar el limpiador, hacer un golpe final sobre la piel con un trapo o una toalla suave y húmedo. “El barrido físico sobre la piel se asegura de que el maquillaje está apagado. Esto le dará a su piel un borrón y cuenta nueva para absorber los ingredientes reparadores que vas a utilizar.
5. Utilice una buena crema hidratante para tu tipo de piel
Muchos renuncian crema hidratante por la noche porque quieren dejar que su piel “respire”, pero que en realidad es un concepto erróneo. El concepto de la respiración de la piel es realmente incorrecto, no hay sistemas respiratorios en su piel. Su piel es como un pez y necesita agua para vivir. Sin suficiente humedad, las células de la piel se deshidrata y la piel produce aceite extra para compensar que causan las arrugas y el acné.
Al buscar una crema hidratante, elija uno que no contenga protector solar. El objetivo principal del protector solar es proteger la piel de los rayos ultravioleta, pero las cremas hidratantes no protección solar suele tener una mayor concentración de los ingredientes que se beneficie de la piel, lo que es mejor para la noche.
6. Use una crema para los ojos
Si hay cualquier hora del día en que usted absolutamente debe usar una crema de ojos, es por la noche. Ellos trabajan mejor por la noche porque no llevas maquillaje. Dicho esto, tenga cuidado de no poner demasiado cerca de su línea de las pestañas porque las pestañas pueden recogerlo y depositarlo en el ojo, lo que provoca la hinchazón.
Esta información es traído a usted por cortesía del Dr. Bishara y La Cirugía Plástica y Paragon Med Spa
Por favor, visítenos en Facebook en La Cirugía Plástica y Paragon Medspa

The first official day of summer is only eight weeks away, which means you have just enough time to whip your skin-and the rest of your body-into shape. Whether you need to tighten up, nourish or just get your good habits back on track, here are four excellent ways to treat your skin now so you’ll be ready to glow this summer:
Add antioxidants
Consuming and applying certain antioxidants, especially vitamin C, will actually boost your skin’s strength against the sun’s damaging rays. Grab a high-quality vitamin C serum to add to your daily skin-care regimen, and eat plenty of berries, beans, nuts, citrus and green veggies to add protection from the inside out.
Nourish dry skin
If you naturally have dry skin, the hot summer months can make it even worse. A great way to boost your hydration levels is with an oxygen-based facial that deeply delivers moisture to the lower layers of skin. You’ll notice a difference right away in the way your skin looks and feels. Day-to-day, use a toner to activate your skin’s natural oils, which will improve dry skin over time.
Tighten up your skin
You have just enough time to schedule a series of skin-tightening procedures that use near infrared, which is used to tighten the stomach, love handles and arms. You’ll need four to six once-a-week sessions to see results.
Start good habits
Eight weeks is plenty of time to see a real difference in your body through good diet and exercise, especially when paired with good sleep and a stringently followed skin-care plan. Cut back on simple carbs, especially sugar, and fit in five cardio sessions a week, plus two strength-training workouts.
This Information is brought to you courtesy of Dr. Bishara and The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa
Please also visit us ob Facebook at The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Medspa