Plagued by less than taut skin but don’t want to go the surgical route? From your face and your neck to your stomach and beyond, loose skin can be treated nonsurgically with skin-tightening devices, which offer real results—in record time—making them totally worth the expense. “Skin tighteners are safe for all skin types and colors. They are not long procedures—30 minutes at most. And, when used on the face, they tighten skin in a way that is really natural.

How it works:
With a handful of options to choose from, skin-tightening machines, make use of radio-frequency or ultrasound energy, infrared light or direct heat to tighten skin from the inside out. With each treatment (six to eight every one to two weeks are needed, as well as annual maintenance treatments), the skin tightens as new collagen grows via the energy source that was emitted.

What to expect:
For the best results, you need to have some loose skin but firm muscles. It can take three to six months for the results to appear. You can’t beat the results you get for the price without having to undergo anesthesia and a recovery period.

The benefits:
Skin tighteners are pain- and downtime-free. It’s a great option for someone who doesn’t want to spend what surgery costs or isn’t ready for surgery but wants to fix the laxity.

The cost factor
: Skin tightening Treatments (most machines are not first-generation and major research dollars have gone into fine-tuning them) don’t put nearly as big of a dent in your bank account as surgery. A skin tightener isn’t even in the same ballpark price- wise. There’s no downtime and next to no risk.
This Information is Brought to you courtesy of Dr. Bishara and The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa

Who says you have to look (or act) your age? At The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa, we offer a broad range of anti-aging therapies and treatments—including everything from state-of-the-art laser treatments to fillers, injectables, and great skin care products. We offer a variety of treatments designed to combat the signs of aging and sun damage and Fall is the best season.

Ready for some Autumn Awesomeness? Revitalize your skin from the summer sun this Fall
* Microdermabrasion Treatments- This treatment preps your skin for the upcoming blustery winter and gets rid of the dead skin from the summer
* SkinCeuticals Chemical Peels–  choose between the SkinCeuticals Micropeel, SkinCeuticals Micropeel Sensitive, SkinCeuticals Micropeel Plus and SkinCeuticals Pigment Balancing Masque.  Multiple treatments may be recommended.
* VIPeel- A facial peel for ALL complexions. It helps to improve the appearance of acne, unwanted pigmentation and melasma. It is the only peel of its kind to contain a synergistic blend of TCA, Retin-A, Salicylic Acid, Phenol, and Vitamin C. It gives great results in as little as one treatment.
* Laser 360- Using 3 cutting-edge technologies, Laser360 is a non-invasive, comfortable procedure that provides lasting results in just 60 days through a series of office visits. These skin tightening treatments are safe, comfortable and effective without surgery or down time.
* Fotofacial- Targets and treats unwanted discolorations, pigmentation, broken capillaries, age spots and sun damage. Also lessens the appearance of rosacea, fine lines and wrinkles. A series of 4-6 is recommended.
* Laser Hair Removal- Laser hair removal is ideal for patients with dark hair and light skin, although nearly anyone with unwanted facial or body hair can benefit from this procedure. This procedure can be performed on the lip, chin, neck, back, arms, legs, bikini area and more.
* Laser Tattoo Removal- Highly precise lasers can lighten or remove your tattoo by focusing or pulsing light on the ink particles, which then convert the energy to heat and break up into tiny pieces that are absorbed harmlessly by the body. Tattoos fade by 95% or more over the course of multiple treatments. 8-10 treatments is recommended every 6-8 weeks.
The summer heat can not only dehydrate you but also soak in the moisture from your skin, making it dry and frail. This Fall remove the sun damage and rectify uneven tone caused due to the sun.  Please call our office at (817) 473-2120  for more information on our Med Spa services.

Laser Skin Tightening- Current special is Buy 3 sessions, get 3 FREE
Laser skin tightening is fast becoming a very popular treatment. This treatment has no downtime and is ideal for targeting the signs of aging. It will help to improve jowl and neck laxity, undereye sagging, nasolabial folds, and drooping brows. A series of 6 treatments (each spaced 2 weeks apart) produces a fresher tighter, more youthful appearance without pain, invasive procedures or downtime.
How It Works
The Skin Tightening handpiece uses near infrared technology. Deep dermal heating induces the production of collagen. The delivery of energy is uniform and effectively targets lipids and connective tissue. This causes two major mechanisms, heat induced collagen shrinkage and micro thermal injury as well as dermal regeneration, repair and remodeling. The results are dramatic, while being comfortable and without causing damage to the epidermis.

  • Quick and easy treatment
  • No damage to the epidermis
  • Activates dermal regeneration, repair and remodeling
  • No downtime and can be done over lunch hour
  • Very good for lax skin around eyes and brows
  • Can be used on the body as well

This Information is Brought to you courtesy of Dr. Mark Bishara and The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa in Mansfield and Southlake.
Please also visit our Facebook page at Paragon Plastic Surgery and Medspa

We serve clients from the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex:
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For those who missed a recent episode on the Dr. Oz show here is some helpful information on battling cellulite.  And yes, even skinny women have cellulite.

  • Collagen fibers are key to cellulite
  • Strengthen collagen fibers to help get rid of cellulite
  • Working out alone doesn’t get rid of cellulite
  • Staying hydrated is important
  • Eating specific fruits and vegetables is key
  • Topical Caffeine creams can help
  • Topical retinol creams (with .4% retinol) help- applying 1-3 time a day
  • Dry Brush in the shower

Skin Tightening Treatments along with skin and body tightening concentrates can help also combat loose and cellulite prone skin.
Watch the videos to find out more about cellulite myths and what we can do to combat it.

This Information is Brought to you Courtesy of Dr. Bishara and The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa

Not sure what’s causing that stubborn cellulite? Turns out, it could be your hormones. Although many don’t realize it, there is a connection between cellulite and your hormones. Some experts believe that estrogen tends to aggravate and worsen cellulite since it encourages the body to build up and store fat, especially in the stomach, thighs, hips and butt. “Although a definitive hormonal cause has not been established, about 85 to 90 percent of women have some cellulite whereas men with normal hormones do not have it,” says Lincolnshire, IL, dermatologist Amy Forman Taub, MD.
Cellulite can get worse during pregnancy because of acute weight gain and fluid retention. During pregnancy, the body releases a hormone known as relaxin, which is believed to diminish collagen production. And the less elastic the skin is, the more common it is to see fat cells pushing against the skin. During and after menopause, many women see more cellulite since the quality and texture of the skin changes and it becomes thin, making cellulite more apparent.
Genetics are a factor of cellulite too. Chances are, if your mother had cellulite you will too. Even if you are predisposed to cellulite, you can minimize its appearance by maintaining a healthy weight, eating properly and taking care of your skin.
Treating cellulite in the early stages is the best plan of attack if you want to diminish its appearance. Since cellulite affects everyone differently, there is no set amount of time that it takes for it to progress and worsen. Some women notice exacerbated cellulite in a matter of months, while in others, it can take years for it to worsen. We can help you determine how you should go about treating your cellulite. Learn more about the right cellulite treatments for you.
This Information is brought to you courtesy of Dr. Bishara and The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa
Please visit us on Facebook at The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Medspa

En Espanol
No estoy seguro de lo que está causando que la celulitis tenaz? Resulta que, podría ser hormonas. Aunque muchos no se dan cuenta de que hay una conexión entre la celulitis y sus hormonas. Algunos expertos creen que el estrógeno tiende a agravar y empeorar la celulitis, ya que estimula al cuerpo a acumular y almacenar la grasa, especialmente en el estómago, los muslos, las caderas y las nalgas. “A pesar de que una causa hormonal definitiva no se ha establecido, el 85 y el 90 por ciento de las mujeres tienen celulitis mientras que algunos hombres con hormonas normales no lo tienen”, dice Lincolnshire, IL, dermatóloga Amy Forman Taub, MD.
La celulitis puede empeorar durante el embarazo debido a la ganancia de peso aguda y retención de líquidos. Durante el embarazo, el cuerpo libera una hormona conocida como la relaxina, que se cree que disminuir la producción de colágeno. Y la menos elástica la piel es, la más común es ver las células de grasa que empujan contra la piel. Durante y después de la menopausia, muchas mujeres ver más celulitis ya que la calidad y la textura de los cambios en la piel y se vuelve delgada, por lo que la celulitis más evidente.
Genética son un factor de la celulitis también. Es probable que, si su madre tenía celulitis que usted también. Incluso si usted está predispuesto a la celulitis, puede minimizar su aparición por mantener un peso saludable, comer correctamente y el cuidado de su piel.
El tratamiento de la celulitis en las primeras etapas es el mejor plan de ataque si quiere disminuir su apariencia. Desde la celulitis afecta a todos de manera diferente, no existe una cantidad de tiempo que toma para que pueda progresar y empeorar. Aviso Algunas mujeres exacerban la celulitis en cuestión de meses, mientras que en otros, puede tomar años para que empeore. Podemos ayudarle a determinar cómo se debe proceder para el tratamiento de la celulitis. Más información sobre los tratamientos para la celulitis adecuados para usted.
Esta información es traído a usted por cortesía del Dr. Bishara y La Cirugía Plástica y Paragon Med Spa
Por favor, visítenos en Facebook en La Cirugía Plástica y Paragon Medspa