

Summer is here but you might be thinking that you didn’t quite get the summer body you wanted or have noticed stubborn fat that you cannot get rid of. Most people think that liposuction is just an easy way out of not having to work out or eat healthy, but it’s not!

Who should consider a liposuction

People who should consider having a liposuction are people that have those stubborn “love handles” or just fat that is hard to get rid of, even with exercising and dieting. Liposuction is not a weight loss procedure. For a liposuction procedure, the patient has to have a steady weight and should be in general good health. A liposuction is to help contour the patients body.

Treatable areas

Liposuction is most known to be done on the patients abdomen. Truth is liposuction can also be done on the flanks (“love handles”), hips, thighs, buttocks, and arms. Liposuction can also be done while getting a tummy tuck! Liposuction in general can give you that nice body contour that  has been so hard to achieve.

Need a Surgeon?

Choosing a surgeon can be hard and stressful! Ill help you out a bit, Dr. Mark A. Bishara at The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa has performed many liposuction procedures. Dr. Bishara has awesome bedside manners and is very friendly and attentive with all patients. He will definetly make you feel at ease. All it takes an initial consultation for you to realize that you have found one of the best surgeons in town!

What is abdominoplasty or tummy tuck?

An abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure to help remove excess skin and fat of the abdomen that normally is left after pregnancy, weight loss and age.

Who is a candidate?

Good candidates are generally in good health, which means no active diseases or existing medical conditions. For females, Dr. Mark Bishara recommends to wait until they are done having children.

How is a tummy tuck done?

Dr. Mark Bishara begins with marking the area. The nurses will then begin to prep you for the procedure. A tummy tuck is done under general anesthesia. Dr. Mark Bishara incision is made across the lower abdomen above the pubic bone. The incision usually goes from hip to hip. Dr. Mark Bishara will also make an incision around the belly button. The skin is pulled down toward the pubis and sutured. A new hole will then be made to suture in the belly button. Drains are placed to allow fluids to drain for a couple of days. Drains look like small grenades and they need to be drained as needed. Drains will then be removed couple days typically 3-5 days after.

What should i expect after tummy tuck?

After your tummy tuck you will be able to walk. Walks are encouraged to take at least 3 to 4 times a day for a few minutes. You will not be able to stand completely straight for several days. The incision area will feel tight. An abdominal pressure garment will need to be used for several weeks to help hold everything in place while the healing part is complete.

How soon can i start exercising?

Light exercising  and walking can be resumed a week post procedure. For more strenuous activities the patient is recommended to wait 6 weeks.

How soon will i see results?

Once the drains are removed and any swelling that occurred has gone away you will be able to notice the difference. It will take time but once your body is completely healed you will begin to see the many benefits of the tummy tuck.


Should i get pregnant after a tummy tuck?

Yes, although it is recommended for the patients to be done with having children so that the benefits of the tummy tuck are not lost.


Will i be able to start a scar treatment after a tummy tuck?

After a tummy tuck you want to let the incision heal. Dr. Mark Bishara recommends about 6 weeks post procedure for any scar treatment.





Having children is one’s biggest blessings. Along with your blessing come along changes in your body, especially in the breast and abdomen area. Sagging breast or loose skin doesn’t always look great. That is why Dr. Mark A. Bishara offers what are known as Mommy Makeovers. In the following are some frequently asked questions that might help you decide towards coming in and consulting with Dr. Mark A. Bishara about your Mommy Makeover.

What is a mommy makeover?

The rejuvenation  of the breast and the abdomen is what a mommy makeover refers to. The purpose of a mommy makeover is to transform changes in the breast and abdomen that occur after pregnancies.

Can i have more kids after my mommy makeover?

If you are planning on having more children it is best to wait. Pregnancies are possible after an abdominoplasty but with the skin getting stretched again the results after pregnancy may not be the best.

Is a mommy makeover all done at once?

Majority of the time the mommy makeover is done all at once. Depending on the areas needing to be addressed it can also be done in two different stages.

Are there different options for a Mommy Makeover?

Mommy makeover consist of a breast lift with no augmentation or breast reduction; and abdominoplasty or as many refer to as a tummy tuck, a mini tummy tuck and liposuction.

Who are good candidates for a mommy makeover?

In order to be a good candidate for a mommy makeover the patient should be in over all good health. The patient should also would have completed their child bearing stage.

What can i do to prepare myself for my mommy makeover?

The best thing one can do to prepare for their mommy makeover is to understand why it is being done, what actually is going to get done and have an idea what results will be like.

How soon can i resume normal activities?

For the first week after a mommy makeover you want to have some help with your children or help in general around your home. Recovery generally ranges from 1 to 4 weeks.
Click here to view a Full Tummy Tuck procedure animated »
Click here to view a Mini Tummy Tuck procedure animated »

Flat tummy, Tummy Tuck!

Most of us desire and strive through exercising and dieting for a flat tummy. As hard as we try, sometimes those methods just cannot help us achieve our goals. Thats where Dr. Mark Bishara comes in to play. At The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa, Dr. Mark A. Bishara offers a wide range of cosmetic procedures to help. A tummy tuck or an Abdominoplasty, removes excessive fat and skin. In some cases it can restore any weakend muscles creating a smoother and firmer abdomen. Tummy tucks are one of Dr. Mark A. Bishara’s specialty and has performed hundreds.

First things first

First thing to do to find out if you are a candidate is calling The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa and scheduling your consultation with Dr. Mark A. Bishara. Keep in mind that a tummy tuck is not a substitute for weight loss. In general, in order to know if you truly are a good candidate:

  • You must be physically healthy and maintain a stable weight
  • Your expectations must be realistic
  • Your a non-smoker
  • You are bothered by the appearance of your abdomen
During your consultation

On the day of your consultation be prepared to discuss with Dr. Mark A. Bishara your surgical goals. Inform him about all medical conditions, drug allergies or medical treatments. Notify him of all medications you are currently taking wether prescribed or over the counter. During your consultation your general health status will be discussed, photographs will be taken, and Dr. Mark A. Bishara will discuss your options.

Step by Step

Wondering how Dr. Mark A. Bishara does a tummy tuck? Step by step for the tummy tuck procedure at The paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa are as follows:
Step 1- Getting your anesthesia done, one of the nurses at The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa will administer medications along with anesthesia and intravenous sedation for your comfort through out your tummy tuck procedure.
Step 2 – The Cut! Ok, Ok the incision. A tummy tuck requires a horizontal incision between the pubic hairline and belly button. A second incision around the navel maybe necessary to remove excess skin in the upper abdomen. The upper abdominal will be pulled down and the excess skin will be trimmed. The remaining skin will be sutured together. A new opening for the belly button will be made.
Step 3 – Closing you up! Sutures, skin adhesives and tape will be used to close the skin incisions.
Final step – Let see results, at this point your tummy tuck will give you that flatter, firmer abdominal look you’ve desired!




Mothers everywhere are feeling the pressure to look like a supermodel weeks after welcoming their child to the world and turn to Mommy Makeovers. Many believe this mind set is due to our pop-culture. For example, Kim Kardashian, someone who is always in the spotlight bounced right back after her first child and was rumored to look even better than before her pregnancy. Dr. Diana Zuckerman, president of the National Research Center for Women & Families, describes this as “the trickledown effect”: “The most beautiful women are getting Mommy Makeovers to look even more beautiful, then having their photographs computer-enhanced, and the rest of us are left saying, ‘Why don’t I look that good?’” We say this with the intent to educate those that aren’t aware of the editing that goes on to make those in the public eye look picture perfect 24/7. It is best for mothers, and all patients, to go into cosmetic surgery with the end goal of increased confidence, self esteem and love for their body, not with the intent to look perfect. To find out the psychology behind women who choose cosmetic surgery after the baby please refer to the information below. Real Self surveyed mothers of all age ranges: 99.5% of them had work done after they had a child (or children) and 85% of them have had more than two kids.

[calltoaction]To learn more about Mommy Makeover Procedures, please contact usat (817) 473-2120 today or email[/calltoaction]