Robot Hair Transplant FAQs by Dr Bishara
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Robot hair transplants are being conducted in the clinic of Dr. Mark A. Bishara.
Documenting the FDA approved research on Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), Dr. Bishara is demonstrating results while generating clinical data.
Using recently developed technology, an interactive computer system called ARTAS employs image guidance for individual hair follicle harvests. FUE, a traditionally labor-intensive process involving repetitive transplants of tissue, now employs the image-guided robotic arm in an extremely precise procedure that reduces scarring and other difficulties of the surgical FUE process.
Highest Quality Results Seen To Date
A computerized robotic arm delivers the highest quality results seen to date in the hair transplant field. Problems such as tightness or numbness of scalp, and painful healing have been minimized. With increased graft survival rates and reduced time spent harvesting follicles, forward progress in the technology of medical science is also being noted.
Image guidance enhancement provided by the ARTAS computer system supports the faster harvesting process likely to replace the strip transplant method that leaves hairline scars. Guided by cameras and 3D imaging software, the robot dissects follicles iat a rate of 1,000 per hour. The carefully tested equipment is maintained for safety and precision.
A Physician Controlled, State Of The Art System
Harvesting the hair follicle during the restoration procedure offers numerous benefits. Precise technology makes dermal punches using a computer interface. The only natural, permanent and now– completely undetectable hair replacement process is  available in this clinically supported, comfortable office environment. Experience less discomfort and much faster healing using a less invasive method.
Using the FUE with the ARTAS, Dr. Bishara moves healthy follicles to bald areas for a surprisingly effective result. The implants begin to develop a blood supply to grow and soon new hair is visible. Within a short time hair is growing and normal appearances have been restored.
Accuracy and Increased Survival Rates
With the robotic FUE using ARTAS accuracy, an decreased harvest time is accomplished. This minimizes general damage for increased new-hair thickness and minimizes damage to the individual follicles in particular. It also enhances graft survival rates. Removed in groups of one to four, Dr. Bishara removes units from the skin and moves and replants them in a process taking one to four hours.
Robot Hair Transplant
Separation of  follicular units from surrounding donor-tissue, is highly repetitive and labor intensive. It requires great precision. For success the action requires perfect centering of a punch over a follicle unit. Perfect alignment of the dissecting instrument over follicles prevents damage. Human variability and error are more common in this manually labor-intensive process. Robotics make things far more precise. Long hours of manual surgical removal in repetition with replanting of follicle units is currently the only other viable treatment options that has slower healing times, higher levels of pain and discomfort and is not as reliable in the end.
Manual FUE procedures require repeated follicle moves hundreds to thousands of times in a typical hair restoration procedure. At publication, Bishara Costmetic Surgery is the only location in Texas this specific robot hair transplant system is being researched, documented clinically and made available for the public by private appointment.
This safer, faster, more productive robot hair-treatment and hair-growth system cannot be equaled from within the medical field. The highest available modern technology can be delivered with this ARTAS system for FUE by robot–the hair transplant with extraction and replanting of hair follicles used because it is effective, non invasive, pain free with limited anesthesia, while showing markedly improved hair growth, thickness and longevity in results.
Mark A Bishara, M.D., P.A. Medical Director
The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa