We have Dieter Manstein, MD and R. Rox Anderson, MD to thank for a study done decades ago who observed children that consumed a lot of popsicles were freezing and removing fat cells within their cheeks creating dimples. Today that same technology has been recreated by Zeltiq the makers of Coolsculpting. We’ve all heard the name, whether on TV, radio or on magazines. But what exactly is Coolsculpting?
Cool sculpting is the ONLY FDA cleared, non invasive, fat eliminating procedure. This means no cutting, no needles, and no down time. The best part, it removes fat cells permanently.
So how does this work and am I candidate? Let’s start who this is not for…
This is not for someone who is looking at this as removing 5 lbs of fat in one session. Or a cure for poor dieting or lack of exercise, rather this is for people who can’t get rid of that stubborn belly fat that diet and exercise fail to reduce. The love handles that crunches won’t cure and the annoying fat on the back of the arms a million push ups just won’t fix. You and your consultant will discuss areas of concern, about the treatment, cost, and number of treatments needed for your desired results. Practitioners note that most patients have 20%-25% percent reduction of fat cells in the treated area after ONE treatment.
Areas of interest from potential patients include the chin, upper and lower abdomen, flanks (sides), love handles, inner and outer thighs and thanks to popsicles in that earlier study we know that fat cells have been proven to not survive extreme cold temperatures.
Treatment time is approximately one hour, you will rest comfortably while a technician drapes a cool membrane barrier against the treatment area. This protects the skin from the coldness. The device is placed over the membrane and the device will pull the area of concern in by a vacuum mechanism. This should pose little discomfort and numbing to be in full effect after approximately 10 mins. Once the device is pulled away from the treated area the skin will have taken on a form, almost like a stick of butter. This is what you should expect! The technician will then massage the area until flat again.
Recovery after CoolSculpting is truly a no downtime process. The treated area will be numb and you may experience a little swelling or discomfort, nothing an Ibuprofen cant handle. However you may resume your day to day activities immediately.
So what happens to those fat cells? Where do they go? The expired fat cells will naturally be metabolized and expelled from the body. Result are seen as in little as 3 weeks, but best by month 2 and 3.
How much is this going to cost me? The price for CoolSculpting varies on a few factors, areas of concern, how many treatments you may need and what is your end goal. With that said, most treatments start at $600 a session.
What is the difference between fat reduction and weight loss?
Fat reduction is permanently reducing the number of fat cells within a given area. Those cells will never come back. Weight loss allows the fat cells to reduce in size however, does not eliminate them permanently from the body.
The traditional method is Liposuction and is a preferred method for those seeking larger amounts of reduction in one session. However, will be performed by a surgeon, under anesthesia with some recovery time. CoolSculpting offers us the same technology for treating a smaller area over one or several sessions. Speaking to your plastic surgeon is the best way to find out which procedure might be better suited for you.
For More information about liposuction please contact Dr Mark Bishara 817-473-2120 or appointments@markbisharamd.com



Ever debate whether to do a cosmetic procedure but nervous on what the result will be like? Let me introduce you to VECTRA 3D! VECTRA 3D was designed to help not only doctors but also the patients when discussing expecting results on their cosmetic procedure.

What is VECTRA 3D?

The VECTRA 3D simulator was developed by Canfield Imaging Systems with the purpose of giving the patient and doctors a better visualization on expected results of the procedure the patient has in mind of doing.

How exactly does the Vectra 3D work?

What the VECTRA 3D does is capture 3D photographs of the patient when coming in to the Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa. The three dimensional photographs are taken at different points of views in order to create a virtual model of the patient.

How are the VECTRA 3d photos used?

Using the 6 still shot photographs the VECTRA 3D has taken a 3D model is automatically created.  It will be used as “before” photos. The VECTRA 3D will then display the patients own virtual model on the monitor. The model can be maneuvered on the screen giving Dr. Mark A. Bishara the ability to virtually enhance  the area in the body the patient desires. Dr. Mark A. Bishara can easily enhance the breast changing the size and shape, as well as facial features. He can show an image of the face being tightened, smoothed and resized! Fascinating huh?


Unfortunately no, the purpose of the VECTRA 3D is to help the patients determine and express the results they anticipate. During consultation and reviewing your medical history Dr. Mark A. Bishara will then determine if you are indeed a good candidate.

How accurate are VECTRA 3D images to actual results?

Results may be very similar to the simualtions. Vectra 3D simulations are based on the surgical techniques Dr. Mark A. Bishara uses during the surgical procedure.

Where to get more information on VECTRA 3D imaging?



Flat tummy, Tummy Tuck!

Most of us desire and strive through exercising and dieting for a flat tummy. As hard as we try, sometimes those methods just cannot help us achieve our goals. Thats where Dr. Mark Bishara comes in to play. At The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa, Dr. Mark A. Bishara offers a wide range of cosmetic procedures to help. A tummy tuck or an Abdominoplasty, removes excessive fat and skin. In some cases it can restore any weakend muscles creating a smoother and firmer abdomen. Tummy tucks are one of Dr. Mark A. Bishara’s specialty and has performed hundreds.

First things first

First thing to do to find out if you are a candidate is calling The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa and scheduling your consultation with Dr. Mark A. Bishara. Keep in mind that a tummy tuck is not a substitute for weight loss. In general, in order to know if you truly are a good candidate:

  • You must be physically healthy and maintain a stable weight
  • Your expectations must be realistic
  • Your a non-smoker
  • You are bothered by the appearance of your abdomen
During your consultation

On the day of your consultation be prepared to discuss with Dr. Mark A. Bishara your surgical goals. Inform him about all medical conditions, drug allergies or medical treatments. Notify him of all medications you are currently taking wether prescribed or over the counter. During your consultation your general health status will be discussed, photographs will be taken, and Dr. Mark A. Bishara will discuss your options.

Step by Step

Wondering how Dr. Mark A. Bishara does a tummy tuck? Step by step for the tummy tuck procedure at The paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa are as follows:
Step 1- Getting your anesthesia done, one of the nurses at The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa will administer medications along with anesthesia and intravenous sedation for your comfort through out your tummy tuck procedure.
Step 2 – The Cut! Ok, Ok the incision. A tummy tuck requires a horizontal incision between the pubic hairline and belly button. A second incision around the navel maybe necessary to remove excess skin in the upper abdomen. The upper abdominal will be pulled down and the excess skin will be trimmed. The remaining skin will be sutured together. A new opening for the belly button will be made.
Step 3 – Closing you up! Sutures, skin adhesives and tape will be used to close the skin incisions.
Final step – Let see results, at this point your tummy tuck will give you that flatter, firmer abdominal look you’ve desired!




Lipo, Liposuction, Lipoplasty
Click here to view the Tummy Liposuction procedure animated »
Click here to view the Arm Liposuction procedure animated »
Click here to view the Buttocks Liposuction procedure animated »
Click here to view the Thighs Liposuction procedure animated
Liposuction/Lipoplasty or as many refer to as Lipo is a surgical procedure used to slim and reshape certain areas of the body. It is used to remove excessive fat deposits that just don’t respond with dieting or exercise. Liposuction can be done on areas from thighs to hips and buttocks as well as in the abdomen, waist, back and upper arms.
Dr. Giorgio Fischer invented the Liposuction procedure in 1974. Soon after, four years later Dr. Illouz, a french plastic surgeon, made the first cosmetic use of the procedure. The Liposuction invention has now been one of the most popular procedures performed by Dr. Mark A. Bishara here at The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa.
Who is a Candidate?
Although many people think that liposuction is a great way to get rid of unwanted fat or just a way of not having to deal with dieting or exercise that is not the case. To be a candidate one must have a stable body weight and be in good general health, exercising and have an on going diet. Liposuction is not a weight loss method nor a treatment for obesity. The purpose of the procedure is to help the patient change and enhance the contour of his/her body.
About the Procedure….

When having any procedure there are many things that should be done. The first step  is coming in and consulting with Dr. Mark A. Bishara here at The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa. Coming in will help the surgeon understand what areas to aim for and explain all steps on what takes place on the day of surgery. Once agreed with Dr. Mark A. Bishara on the areas that will be treated the surgery appointment will be set.
On the day of your liposuction procedure, consent forms will be signed. Dr. Mark A. Bishara will mark the areas where the fat will be removed from. Photographs will be taken for use of before and after. The nurse will then start an IV fluid line. Liposuction is usually carried out under general anesthesia, fluids containing medicines that limit blood loss and reduce discomfort are injected into the areas that are to be treated. Throughout the liposuction the nurses at The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa will monitor the patients blood pressure, heart rate, and blood oxygen level. During liposuction Dr. Mark A. Bishara removes the fat using a hollow instrument/ cannula that is attached to a high pressure vacuum. The cannula is then inserted under the skin, and the fat suction begins.
On the road Recovery

As with most surgeries, after liposuction patients typically experience bleeding, swelling and bruising. Bruising usually goes away within 3 to 6 weeks. 80% swelling is gone in 2 to 6 weeks and the remainder should be gone in 3 to 12 months. Fever may occur the first few days following surgery as it is is a normal process of the inflammatory response. As far as diet, you may resume your usual diet after surgery. Avoid caffeinated and alcoholic drinks 48 hours after surgery. Make sure to keep hydrated for the first few days. Drainage may occur, within the first 24-72 hours after surgery a large volume of blood-tinged fluid will drain from the small drain ports. Going home the day of surgery you will wear and elastic garment and it should be removed the morning after surgery to shower then put back on and off after showers until your follow up procedure. The Paragon Plastic Surgery Med Spa will provide you with all post op care instructions after your liposuction procedure.


Mothers everywhere are feeling the pressure to look like a supermodel weeks after welcoming their child to the world and turn to Mommy Makeovers. Many believe this mind set is due to our pop-culture. For example, Kim Kardashian, someone who is always in the spotlight bounced right back after her first child and was rumored to look even better than before her pregnancy. Dr. Diana Zuckerman, president of the National Research Center for Women & Families, describes this as “the trickledown effect”: “The most beautiful women are getting Mommy Makeovers to look even more beautiful, then having their photographs computer-enhanced, and the rest of us are left saying, ‘Why don’t I look that good?’” We say this with the intent to educate those that aren’t aware of the editing that goes on to make those in the public eye look picture perfect 24/7. It is best for mothers, and all patients, to go into cosmetic surgery with the end goal of increased confidence, self esteem and love for their body, not with the intent to look perfect. To find out the psychology behind women who choose cosmetic surgery after the baby please refer to the information below. Real Self surveyed mothers of all age ranges: 99.5% of them had work done after they had a child (or children) and 85% of them have had more than two kids.

[calltoaction]To learn more about Mommy Makeover Procedures, please contact usat (817) 473-2120 today or email appointments@markbisharamd.com[/calltoaction]