If you have goals for longer-term hair removal/reduction and are sick of shaving and waxing, lasers might be able to solve your hairy woes. Laser Hair Removal is the best and most precise way to get rid of unwanted hair. It’s also the best option for people who experience breakouts from every other method. Lasers can leave more permanent results than other hair-removing alternatives. Hair removal lasers are great for the under arms (armpits), legs, arms, groin, back, chest and face. The darker the hair, the better the result. Lighter skin tones tend to have fewer reactions, but lasers can be used to treat all skin types. Also, they make life much easier for women that have to shave every day and find it time consuming or cumbersome.
Since hairs grow at different times, multiple treatments will be needed for all patients at intervals of four to six weeks. Virtually pain-free, safely and visibly reduces unwanted hair over a series of 6-9 treaments.

The ideal season for hair removal is one with the least amount of sun exposure. Because we spend a lot of time in the sun in the summertime, laser hair removal poses the least risk in the wintertime. Sun stimulates melanin production in the skin, producing the deeper pigment we recognize as a tan. While bronzing in the sun may be sought after by some, it is one of the biggest adversaries when it comes to laser hair removal as well as any anti-aging efforts you may undergo. When your skin is at its lightest, the chances of any skin color changes following hair removal are minimized, allowing your laser technician to treat you at the optimal setting for your skin type and hair characteristics to create the most desirable results.
Another benefit to undergoing laser hair removal in the winter before bathing suit season arrives is so that you will have optimal results by the time summer arrives. To make your appointment, please call us today at (817) 473-2120. Connect with Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa on Facebook, for the latest skincare news and information.

Your skin spends all day every day protecting your body from the elements. Over the years, the toll of being the first line of defense against the sun, wind, toxins, UV rays, and cigarette smoke, not to mention stress and poor nutrition, begins to show. The skin loses the smoothness and resilience it once had, and fine lines appear near the eyes, the mouth, the forehead, and across the cheeks. While facelift surgery is the optimal treatment for deep creases and jowls, skin rejuvenation procedures at our offices in Mansfield and Southlake corrects sun-damaged skin, unevenly pigmented skin, and age spots.

Dr. Mark Bishara’s Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa offers a variety of laser treatments for correction of skin tone and texture, acne, fine lines and wrinkles, spider veins, unwanted hair, and tattoo removal.

Skin Resurfacing

One of the most popular anti-aging procedures that improves the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, scars and various other texture concerns. Minimal downtime is expected.
Skin resurfacing can be used to treat:

  • Wrinkles
  • Sun damage
  • Crow’s feet
  • Brown spots
  • Blotchiness
  • Precancerous growths
  • Acne
  • Chicken pox scars
  • Superficial facial scars

ClearLift- Non-Ablative Fractional Skin Remodeling

A great alternative to skin resurfacing. Offers significant improvement to fine lines, wrinkles, and scarring without downtime or discomfort.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is ideal for patients with dark hair and light skin, although nearly anyone with unwanted facial or body hair can benefit from this procedure. This procedure can be performed on the lip, chin, neck, back, arms, legs, bikini area and more.
After laser hair removal, patients may experience redness, puffiness and sunburn sensations for the first few days. You may return to work and other regular activities as soon as you feel comfortable. Three to seven days after treatment, patients may notice what appears to be a re-growth of hair, but is actually a shedding of the treated hair, which will fall out and not grow back.
Since hairs grow at different times, multiple treatments will be needed for all patients at intervals of four to six weeks. Virtually pain-free, safely and visibly reduces unwanted hair over a series of 6-9 treaments.

  • Lip
  • Face
  • Arms (Full)
  • Arms (Upper or Lower)
  • Legs (Full)
  • Legs (Upper or Lower)
  • Chest
  • Chest and Abdomen
  • Chin
  • Underarms
  • Brazilian Bikini
  • Bikini
  • Neck
  • Face and Neck
  • Back
  • Buttocks

Dr. Bishara and the Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med spa offer many more laser treatments for the face and body as well as injectables, such as Botox, Xeomin, Juvederm Ultra Plus XC and the NEW Juvederm Voluma.  Please visit our website for more information at www.MarkBisharaMD.com or call our office at (817) 473-2120.

Many women, who are thinking about having laser hair removal treatments, wonder when the best time would be to start their treatment course.
Whilst laser hair removal can be successful at any time of the year, the cooler autumn and winter months are generally the best times to book an appointment for treatment because the risk of sun damage tends to be a little lower during these seasons than in the likes of spring and summer.
We often have to postpone or cancel patient treatments due to sun damage – or at least the thread of sun damage – if patients are, or are planning to go on holiday or sunbathe.
The winter months bring cooler temperatures and fewer hours of sunlight meaning people tend to cover up with their winter woollies. The cold, dark days also mean that people stay indoors a little more, which means there is less chance of them getting exposed to the sun.
We continually campaign throughout the year about the importance of caring for your skin and the damage that exposure to the sun can cause. During the summer months, the team at Dr. Bishara’s office have to reschedule many appointments for clients who have just returned from their summer holiday and have tanned skin. We do this to ensure the safety of their clients. If we were to treat a client using a laser when their skin is sun damaged, patients could be left with severe burns and scars from the treatment.
So why not make the most of laser treatments this winter? Try laser hair removal treatments courses, which gives you the opportunity to say good-bye to waxing and shaving.
So the moral of the story is; winter is a great time to get laser hair removal done-and just think of all the extra time you’ll have to spend at the beach when it is warm out. For more information check out https://markbisharamd.com/medspa/ for information on starting the hair removal process now.

So if you are planning to under go this type of treatment NOW would be the best time to schedule your appointment.  Please call us for more information at (817) 473-2120 or email appointments@markbisharamd.com.


Start the Winter Off as You…. Only Better!

BUY 1 LASER 360 treatment and get 20 UNITS of BOTOX for FREE
(Value of $85)
Offers Expires December 31, 2013

Clear Lift Skin Remodeling – No downtime- $388
Clear Lift Offer Expires January 31, 2014

Please call our office to schedule an appointment at (817) 473-2120 or email at appointments@markbisharamd.com

Just a reminder…..our new office in Mansfield is opening VERY soon! The new office address will be 1101 Matlock Rd.  We will be in our new Mansfield location by the end of the month.  Please call our office at (817) 473-2120.


If you’re not happy with shaving, tweezing, or waxing to remove unwanted hair, laser hair removal may be an option worth considering.
Laser hair removal is one of the most commonly done cosmetic procedures in the U.S. It beams highly concentrated light into hair follicles. Pigment in the follicles absorb the light. That destroys the hair.  At the office of Dr. Mark Bishara and The Paragon Med Spa we offer Alma Laser Hair Removal, which offers a pain-free to become hair-free.

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

Lasers are useful for removing unwanted hair from the face, leg, arm, underarm, bikini line, and other areas.
Benefits of laser hair removal include:
Precision. Lasers can selectively target dark, coarse hairs while leaving the surrounding skin undamaged.
Speed. Each pulse of the laser takes a fraction of a second and can treat many hairs at the same time. The laser can treat an area approximately the size of a quarter every second. Small areas such as the upper lip can be treated in less than a minute, and large areas, such as the back or legs, may take up to an hour.
Predictability. Ninety percent of patients have permanent hair loss after an average of three to six sessions.

How to Prepare for Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is more than just ”zapping” unwanted hair. It is a medical procedure that requires training to perform and carries potential risks. Before getting laser hair removal, you should thoroughly check the credentials of the doctor or technician performing the procedure.
If you are planning on undergoing laser hair removal, you should limit plucking, waxing, and electrolysis for 3 weeks before treatment. That’s because the laser targets the hairs’ roots, which are temporarily removed by waxing or plucking.
You should also avoid sun exposure for 2 weeks before and after treatment. Sun exposure makes laser hair removal less effective and makes complications after treatment more likely.

What to Expect During Laser Hair Removal

The night before or the morning of the procedure, you will need to shave the area you would like to be treated. The laser equipment will be adjusted according to the color, thickness, and location of your hair being treated as well as your skin color.
You and the technician will need to wear appropriate eye protection during the procedure. It will also be necessary to protect the outer layers of your skin with a cold gel or special cooling device. This will help the laser light penetrate the skin.
Next, the technician will give a pulse of light to the treatment area and watch the area for several minutes to make sure the best settings were used and to check for bad reactions.
You may schedule your next treatment four to six weeks later. You’ll get treatments until hair stops growing.
Since hairs grow at different times, multiple treatments will be needed for all patients at intervals of four to six weeks. Virtually pain-free, safely and visibly reduces unwanted hair over a series of treaments.  We offer laser hair removal for the following areas:

  • Lip
  • Face
  • Arms (Full)
  • Arms (Upper or Lower)
  • Legs (Full)
  • Legs (Upper or Lower)
  • Chest
  • Chest and Abdomen
  • Chin
  • Underarms
  • Brazilian Bikini
  • Bikini
  • Neck
  • Face and Neck
  • Back
  • Buttocks
At the office of Dr. Bishara and The Paragon Med Spa, we offer many laser treatments, including laser hair removal. To schedule an appointment please contact our office directly at (817) 473-2120.