Hair restoration includes the surgical and non-surgical methods used to counteract or slow symptoms of hair loss in men and women. Methods may be used individually or in combination to produce the desired results depending on a person’s needs. Finding the right hair restoration solution can be difficult. It’s an important decision that can improve your life in unimaginable ways. But one size does not fit all types of hair loss.


Getting straight answers about hair loss treatments for men can be almost as frustrating as losing your hair.
Some guys are great candidates for hair transplant surgery, others prefer the lifestyle advantages of the hair replacement process, and some simply want to prevent their existing hair from thinning any further. No matter what kind of hair loss you have, it’s an ongoing process that changes over time.
Dr. Mark Bishara’s office offers a variety of treatment options, including non-surgical and surgical.


Millions of women suffer from hair loss, more than 30 million in the U.S. alone. And while most treatments available today seem to be designed with men in mind, the good news is that there are safe, proven treatments designed especially for women.
Women’s hair–and women’s experiences with hair loss–are very different. That’s why Dr. Bishara will first assess why you are having hair loss and what option we can do to help you.



PROPECIA® is available by prescription from Dr. Mark Bishara and is a once-a-day pill developed to treat mild to moderate male pattern hair loss, a hereditary condition that causes receding hairlines, thinning and/or balding on the top and front of the scalp. This product is proven effective for treating hair loss in MEN ONLY.  Some women are candidates for Propecia (finasteride).


The low- level laser therapy treatment is also known as “The Cold Laser”. The laser light generated by low-powered (cold) lasers has recently come into use as a non-surgical hair restoration treatment for patten hair loss.
Theradome Laser Helmet- Laser hair growth treatment that works; hair loss affects 80,000,000 people in the US alone, and over 1,500,000,000 people globally. Forty percent of them are women who find the condition emotionally distressing and tougher to cure than male pattern baldness. Yet we found that almost every treatment on the market was aimed at males, specialist clinics were prohibitively expensive, and many women simply didn’t have any viable options.
The Theradome™ is the first FDA OTC cleared, wearable clinical strength laser treatment that has a proven triple action:
Dr. Bishara uses the ARTAS System, which is an interactive, computer assisted equipment employs image guidance to enhance the quality of hair follicle harvesting. Performed in both of Dr. Bishara’s offices (Mansfield & Southlake), FUE robotic hair transplant moves healthy, functioning follicles to the areas of the patient’s scalp most impacted by baldness. The implanted hairs develop their own blood supply, begin to grow and new hairs are seen a few months after the procedure has taken place. New hair continues to grow over the course of a full year, making the change in the patient’s appearance gradually noticeable to others. Healing time is short, and there is no resultant linear scar as happens with other methods of hair restoration, because there is no incision.   This procedure is done on men and women.

Hair loss is a condition that occurs as a result of a side-effect of medication, aging, genetics, and traumatic injury to the scalp with scarring. Hair loss affects both men and women of all ages. This condition may cause pattern baldness, patchy spots or thinned hair.
Dr. Mark Bishara offers a wide range of comprehensive hair restoration procedures, which are highly effective. The best treatment option for each patient depends on the location, cause, and extent of hair loss. We will take the time to evaluate each patient, discuss his/her individual goals and together develop a personalized treatment plan using one of our many successful hair loss treatment options.  Please contact our office at (817) 473-2120 for further information or visit our website at www.MarkBisharaMD.com.

If your scalp issues become severe and uncontrollable, they can lead to hair thinning and hair loss, which require more serious intervention.  The most common cause of hair loss in women is Androgenetic Alopecia.  Certain hair shafts have more enzymes that break down testosterone to DHT, which attacks the hair follicles and results in hair miniaturization and hair loss.
Get Your Hair Back:
The Surgery that does it- If hair loss is a major battle that you don’t want to give in to, you don’t have to. The ARTAS system, robotic hair transplants, has revolutionized the way hair restoration surgery is done today by offering scarless hair transplantation.  Hair is removed by the donor site line in the back of the head using an image-guided process that is less traumatic and stressful to the scalp than tradition harvesting techniques.  There’s no scalpel used, so there’s no visible scar once the area is fully healed.  The results are natural-looking because follicular units are used.  Patient love that there is minimal discomfort and little to no downtime.
Did You Know?  Women and Men both experience similar changes when hair loss occurs, it just progresses differently due to hormonal differences
Menopause and Your Scalp:
Menopause brings about hot flashes, wight gain and dryness, especially at the scalp, which can lead to thinning and hair loss.  Menopausal and post-menopausal women may start to notice their hair thinning, unlike men, who thin on the top of their heads, women thin throughout the entire scalp, and to some extent around the sides.  It’s not a question of will it happen, but more of when it will happen.  One reason for a change in your hair during menopause is due to a decrease in estrogen in the body.  Estrogen keeps hair in the growing cycle.  This decrease creates a hormonal imbalance in the body, prompting hair to thin and then fall out.
What to Avoid when your hair is starting to fall out:

  • Blow Dryers, Straitening Irons, and Curling Irons
  • Limit your use of heavy styling products
  • Plastic or metal brushes
  • Hot water
  • Chemical Treatments
  • The sun

This Information is brought to you courtesy of Dr. Mark Bishara and The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa

en Español

Si sus problemas del cuero cabelludo se vuelven severos e incontrolables, que pueden conducir a la pérdida de cabello y pérdida de cabello, que exigen una intervención más seria. La causa más común de pérdida de cabello en las mujeres es la alopecia androgenética. Algunos ejes del pelo tienen más enzimas que descomponen la testosterona a DHT, que ataca los folículos del pelo y los resultados en la miniaturización del cabello y pérdida de cabello.
Consigue tu cabello hacia atrás:
La cirugía que IT- hace Si la pérdida de cabello es una batalla importante que usted no quiere ceder a, usted no tiene que hacerlo. El sistema ARTAS, transplantes de cabello robóticos, ha revolucionado la forma en la cirugía de restauración capilar se hace hoy en día, ofreciendo el trasplante de cabello sin cicatrices. El pelo se elimina mediante la línea de zona donante en la parte posterior de la cabeza utilizando un proceso guiado por imagen que es menos traumática y estresante para el cuero cabelludo de las técnicas de recolección tradición. No hay bisturí utilizado, así que no hay cicatriz visible una vez que el área está completamente curado. Los resultados son de aspecto natural porque se utilizan unidades foliculares. Amor paciente que hay una incomodidad mínima y poco o ningún tiempo de inactividad.
Sabías? Mujeres y Hombres ambos experimentan cambios similares cuando se produce la pérdida de cabello, que sólo avanza de manera diferente debido a las diferencias hormonales
La menopausia y su cuero cabelludo:
La menopausia trae consigo calores, el aumento y la sequedad Wight, en especial en el cuero cabelludo, que puede conducir a un adelgazamiento y pérdida del cabello. Las mujeres menopáusicas y postmenopáusicas pueden comenzar a notar su adelgazamiento del cabello, a diferencia de los hombres, que fina en la parte superior de la cabeza, las mujeres delgadas a lo largo de todo el cuero cabelludo, y en cierta medida por los lados. No es una cuestión de voluntad que suceder, pero más de cuándo va a suceder. Una razón para un cambio en el cabello durante la menopausia se debe a una disminución de estrógeno en el cuerpo. El estrógeno mantiene el cabello en el ciclo de cultivo. Esta disminución crea un desequilibrio hormonal en el cuerpo, lo que provocó el pelo a la nada y luego se caen.
Lo que debe evitar cuando el cabello está empezando a caer:
Blow Secadores, straitening Irons, y Curling IronsLimite el uso de productos de peluquería pesadosPlástico o metal cepillosagua calienteTratamientos Químicosel solEsta información es traído a usted por cortesía de Dr. Mark Bishara y La Cirugía Plástica y Paragon Med Spa

Although platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has been used for many years in other medical specialties, including orthopedics,  it has only recently become one of the latest techniques with hair restoration.  PRP is used for all Hair Restoration/Hair Loss patients, including patients who have Robotic Hair Transplants. PRP is an exciting non-surgical therapeutic treatment for patients who require stimulation of hair growth for hair loss conditions. The use of PRP for the treatment of alopecia areata and androgenetic alopecia (hereditary male or female hair loss) is available from Dr. Mark Bishara’s office.
While PRP is in the early stages of scientific research in hair restoration, PRP is not meant to replace current FDA approved therapies such as DHT blockers and Minoxidil. but it is a promising non-surgical therapeutic option for those patients with hair loss.
What is PRP – Platelet Rich Plasma?
PRP Platelet Rich Plasma is the use of a person’s own blood platelets to enhance hair growth as a stand-alone treatment or to improve the recovery and results of hair transplant surgery. In the field of cell therapy and tissue regeneration, research is continuing to progress regarding the use of PRP’s ability to stimulate stem cells, improve wound healing, and rejuvenate skin and hair follicles. PRP is done in 3 month intervals
Growth Factors
The human growth hormone (hGH), insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF or FGF-2), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and platelet-derived growth factor-BB (PDGF-BB)- levels are significantly elevated after PRP injection, supporting a possible ergogenic effect of PRP.
What is LLLT (Low Level Laser Therapy)
The LaserCap® using Low Level Laser Technology (LLLT) can help men and women of all ages who suffer from hair loss by emitting pulses of laser light energy to the scalp to stimulate the hair follicles and improve blood circulation in the area, encouraging hair growth once again. Men and women being treated for hair loss sit comfortably under the lasers as it gently delivers the phototherapy to the scalp. Most of our patients read a magazine during treatments. There is no pain or discomfort from the therapy–some patients do report some “scalp-tingling.”  The laser cap is much more successful and effective in hair restoration then hand held devices that are available on the market.   The usual treatments occur 2-3 times per week.  The laser cap is available to have treatments done in our office, or can be purchased and take home with you.
For more information on PRP, LLLT and other hair restoration treatments, please call our office at (817) 473-2120.  Please come in and get evaluated with an endocrine testing panel, that tests your thyroid, testosterone, iron, and serotonin levels, to name a few. We also refer out for scalp biopsies for female patients, to determine the causes of hair loss.
You can also visit us as www.MarkBisharaMD.com and our Facebook page at The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Medspa

Low dose laser therapy for hair loss

What is low dose laser therapy?

Low level laser therapy is a safe form of light treatment (a type of ) under investigation for a variety of health indications. It is being used to treat the genetic forms of hair loss common in men and women, androgenetic alopecia or pattern balding.
Low level laser therapy is also called red light therapy, cold laser, soft laser, biostimulation and photobiomodulation.

Low level laser therapy for pattern balding

Laser therapy used for hair loss treatment depends on devices that emit a light that can penetrate the scalp. Low level laser therapy (LLLT) uses devices with diodes that emit red light (wavelength 630-670 nanometers

Who are the best candidates for low level laser therapy for hair loss?

Low level laser therapy is intended for men and women with thinning hair or pattern baldness caused by a hereditary condition.

How is laser hair therapy supposed to work?

The hair growth cycle consists of three phases: growth (anagen phase), resting (telogen phase) and shedding (catagen phase). Hair loss in androgenetic alopecia depends on a testosterone derivative in the skin, dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Low level laser therapy is believed to increase blood flow in the scalp and stimulate metabolism in catagen or telogen follicles, resulting in the production of anagen hair. In theory:

  • The photons of light act on cytochrome C oxidase leading to the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This is converted to cyclic AMP in the hair follicle cells, releasing energy and stimulating metabolic processes necessary for hair growth.
  • Release of nitric oxide from cells leads to increased vascularisation to the scalp distributing nutrients and oxygen to the hair roots.
  • Excessive build-up of DHT is prevented.

What is the clinical evidence to show laser hair therapy is effective?

Physicians have varying views on whether or not low level laser therapy is effective. While some physicians reject its use entirely, others believe that low level laser therapy can provide benefit for some men and women suffering from androgenic alopecia (genetic baldness). It has also been suggested that it may assist a hair transplant patient’s postoperative wound healing process and expedite hair growth.
Benefits of laser therapy for hair loss

  • Low level laser thereapy can be used in both men and women
  • No adverse effects have been reported
  • It is clean and painless
  • Low level laser hair therapy is relatively inexpensive
  • It requires minimal time commitment
  • Some low level laser therapy devices are portable
  • Hair growth may occur on the top of the head/crown and along the hairline of forehead

Improvement is reported in at least some users after 12 to 26 weeks of use, with reduced hair fall and noticeable hair growth.

How is low level laser hair therapy administered ?

Two to three times weekly treatments are typically recommended, and consist of a 8 to 15-minute exposure of the scalp to light-emitting diodes under a head cap.
Scalp treatment and massages that promote blood circulation may be used additionally as part of the program.
Proprietors of low level laser therapy services speak about the importance of regularity, which includes frequent appointments (twice a week, more or less) over a long duration (typically one year).
Please call the office of Dr. Bishara at The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa for more information on LLLT at (817) 473-2120 or visit our website and www.MarkBisharaMD.com

What is Hair Restoration?

Hair restoration includes the surgical and non-surgical methods used to counteract or slow symptoms of hair loss in men and women. Methods may be used individually or in combination to produce the desired results depending on a person’s needs. Finding the right hair restoration solution can be difficult. It’s an important decision that can improve your life in unimaginable ways. But one size does not fit all types of hair loss.

For Men

Getting straight answers about hair loss treatments for men can be almost as frustrating as losing your hair.
Some guys are great candidates for hair transplant surgery, others prefer the lifestyle advantages of the hair replacement process, and some simply want to prevent their existing hair from thinning any further. No matter what kind of hair loss you have, it’s an ongoing process that changes over time.
Dr. Mark Bishara’s office offers a variety of treatment options, including non-surgical and surgical.

For Women

Millions of women suffer from hair loss, more than 30 million in the U.S. alone. And while most treatments available today seem to be designed with men in mind, the good news is that there are safe, proven treatments designed especially for women.
Women’s hair–and women’s experiences with hair loss–are very different. That’s why Dr. Bishara will first assess why you are having hair loss and what option we can do to help you.

Hair Restoration Options:


PROPECIA® is available by prescription from Dr. Mark Bishara and is a once-a-day pill developed to treat mild to moderate male pattern hair loss, a hereditary condition that causes receding hairlines, thinning and/or balding on the top and front of the scalp. This product is proven effective for treating hair loss in MEN ONLY.

Low Level Laser Technology (LLLT)

The low- level laser therapy treatment is also known as “The Cold Laser”. The laser light generated by low-powered (cold) lasers has recently come into use as a non-surgical hair restoration treatment for patten hair loss.
The LaserCap® using Low Level Laser Technology (LLLT) can help men and women of all ages who suffer from hair loss by emitting pulses of laser light energy to the scalp to stimulate the hair follicles and improve blood circulation in the area, encouraging hair growth once again.

Robotic Hair Transplants- The ARTAS System

Dr. Bishara uses the ARTAS System, which is an interactive, computer assisted equipment employs image guidance to enhance the quality of hair follicle harvesting. Performed in both of Dr. Bishara’s offices (Mansfield & Southlake), FUE robotic hair transplant moves healthy, functioning follicles to the areas of the patient’s scalp most impacted by baldness. The implanted hairs develop their own blood supply, begin to grow and new hairs are seen a few months after the procedure has taken place. New hair continues to grow over the course of a full year, making the change in the patient’s appearance gradually noticeable to others. Healing time is short, and there is no resultant linear scar as happens with other methods of hair restoration, because there is no incision.   This procedure is done on men and women.

Hair loss is a condition that occurs as a result of a side-effect of medication, aging, genetics, and traumatic injury to the scalp with scarring. Hair loss affects both men and women of all ages. This condition may cause pattern baldness, patchy spots or thinned hair.
Dr. Mark Bishara is proud to offer a wide range of comprehensive hair restoration procedures. Combined with his extensive experience and advanced skills, these procedures are often highly effective. The best treatment option for each patient depends on the location, cause, and extent of hair loss. Dr. Bishara will take the time to evaluate each patient, discuss his/her individual goals and together develop a personalized treatment plan using one of his many successful hair loss treatment options.  Please contact our office at (817) 473-2120 for further information or visit our website at www.MarkBisharaMD.com.