

Most women seek breast augmentation for more than one reason. In fact, most women cite several reasons. The overwhelming majority of women cite the desire to look better both naked and clothed as reasons to undergo breast augmentation, while many simply desire to have larger breasts. Confidence and a desire to have improved self-esteem are also common reasons for breast augmentation. Whatever the reason, it is important that a woman seek out breast augmentation for herself and not as a reaction to the desires of others.


For most women, breast augmentation has a number of benefits. More than 90 percent of women who undergo breast augmentation are pleased with their decision to get implants and would recommend breast augmentation to others. More than 80 percent also report that their self-confidence improved after breast augmentation, even if they already had high self-esteem before surgery. As an added bonus, 70 percent of women report having a more satisfying sex life after breast augmentation, and more than 60 percent report having sex more frequently.
If you have been considering breast augmentation, a great first step is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Mark Bishara. Call us today at (817) 473-2120 to schedule your consultation. We look forward to meeting you!

Breast augmentation, also called augmentation mammaplasty, involves surgical placement of an implant behind each breast to increase its volume and enhance its shape. Often, after weight loss, childbirth, or as a result of aging, the breasts lose volume and their shape changes. Also, many women choose to have their breasts enlarged in order to satisfy their desire for a fuller bustline. Breast augmentation can be performed at any age after the breasts are developed.

Silicone Breast Implants:
Silicone implants are pre-filled with silicone gel — a thick, sticky fluid that closely mimics the feel of human fat. Most women feel that silicone breast implants look and feel more like natural breast tissue.
They come in different sizes and have either smooth or textured shells.
Silicone gel-filled breast implants are approved for breast augmentation in women age 22 or older and for breast reconstruction in women of any age. They are also used in revision surgeries, which correct or improve the result of an original surgery.


  • Positive aesthetic results, and data has shown patients often receive a substantial psychological boost.
  • It is often possible to return to work within a week, depending on the nature of your work.
  • No scientific evidence that breast augmentation increases the risk of breast cancer, autoimmune disease, or any systemic illness.
  • No evidence that breast implants affect pregnancy or ability to breast-feed.


  • Every surgical procedure carries some risk. Potential complications may include reactions to anesthesia, blood accumulation that may need to be drained surgically, and infection.
  • Changes in nipple or breast sensation may result from breast augmentation surgery, although they are usually temporary.
  • When a breast implant is inserted, a scar capsule forms around it as part of the natural healing process. The capsule may sometimes tighten and compress the implant, causing the breast to feel firmer than normal. If the capsular contracture is severe, it may cause discomfort or changes in the breast’s appearance. Additional surgery may be needed to modify or remove scar tissue, or perhaps remove or replace the implant.
  • Breast implants can make performing and reading mammograms technically difficult. Placement of the implant underneath the pectoral muscle may interfere less with mammographic examination.
  • As with other surgical implants, breast implants cannot be expected to last forever. If a saline-filled implant breaks, its contents are harmlessly absorbed by the body, usually within hours.
  • Pregnancy can alter breast size in an unpredictable way and could affect the long-term results of breast augmentation.
  • As of May 2000, Federal regulation prohibits breast augmentation for purely aesthetic surgery in women less than 18 years of age

This Information is brought to you courtesy of Dr. Mark Bishara and The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa

Breast augmentation, also called augmentation mammaplasty, involves surgical placement of an implant behind each breast to increase its volume and enhance its shape. Often, after weight loss, childbirth, or as a result of aging, the breasts lose volume and their shape changes. Also, many women choose to have their breasts enlarged in order to satisfy their desire for a fuller bustline. Breast augmentation can be performed at any age after the breasts are developed.


  • Positive aesthetic results, and data has shown patients often receive a substantial psychological boost.
  • It is often possible to return to work within a week, depending on the nature of your work.
  • No scientific evidence that breast augmentation increases the risk of breast cancer, autoimmune disease, or any systemic illness.
  • No evidence that breast implants affect pregnancy or ability to breast-feed.

Other Considerations:

  • Every surgical procedure carries some risk. Potential complications may include reactions to anesthesia, blood accumulation that may need to be drained surgically, and infection.
  • Changes in nipple or breast sensation may result from breast augmentation surgery, although they are usually temporary.
  • When a breast implant is inserted, a scar capsule forms around it as part of the natural healing process. The capsule may sometimes tighten and compress the implant, causing the breast to feel firmer than normal. If the capsular contracture is severe, it may cause discomfort or changes in the breast’s appearance. Additional surgery may be needed to modify or remove scar tissue, or perhaps remove or replace the implant.
  • Breast implants can make performing and reading mammograms technically difficult. Placement of the implant underneath the pectoral muscle may interfere less with mammographic examination.
  • As with other surgical implants, breast implants cannot be expected to last forever. If a saline-filled implant breaks, its contents are harmlessly absorbed by the body, usually within hours.
  • Pregnancy can alter breast size in an unpredictable way and could affect the long-term results of breast augmentation.
  • As of May 2000, Federal regulation prohibits breast augmentation for purely aesthetic surgery in women less than 18 years of age

This Information is brought to you courtesy of Dr. Mark Bishara and The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa

en Español

El aumento de senos, también llamada mamoplastia de aumento, implica la colocación quirúrgica de un implante detrás de cada seno para aumentar su volumen y mejorar su forma. A menudo, después de la pérdida de peso, el parto, o como resultado del envejecimiento, los senos pierden volumen y su forma cambia. Además, muchas mujeres prefieren que sus pechos agrandados con el fin de satisfacer su deseo de tener un busto más lleno. El aumento de senos se puede realizar a cualquier edad después se desarrollan los senos.
Resultados estéticos positivos, y los datos han demostrado que los pacientes a menudo reciben un impulso psicológico sustancial.A menudo es posible volver al trabajo dentro de una semana, dependiendo de la naturaleza de su trabajo.No hay evidencia científica de que el aumento del pecho aumenta el riesgo de cáncer de mama, enfermedad autoinmune, o cualquier enfermedad sistémica.No hay evidencia de que los implantes de mama afectan el embarazo o la capacidad de amamantar.
Cada procedimiento quirúrgico conlleva cierto riesgo. Las complicaciones potenciales pueden incluir reacciones a la anestesia, la acumulación de sangre que pueden necesitar ser drenado quirúrgicamente, y la infección.Cambios en el pezón o la sensación del pecho pueden resultar de la cirugía de aumento de pecho, a pesar de que suelen ser temporales.Cuando un implante mamario se inserta, se forma una cápsula cicatricial alrededor de él como parte del proceso de curación natural. La cápsula puede a veces apriete y comprimir el implante, causando la mama a sentirse más firme que la normal. Si la contractura capsular es grave, puede causar molestias o cambios en la apariencia de la mama. Cirugía adicional puede ser necesaria para modificar o eliminar el tejido cicatricial, o tal vez eliminar o reemplazar el implante.Los implantes mamarios pueden hacer escénicas y mamografías lectura técnicamente difícil. La colocación del implante debajo del músculo pectoral puede interferir menos con el examen mamográfico.Al igual que con otros implantes quirúrgicos, los implantes mamarios no se puede esperar que dure para siempre. Si una solución salina implante se rompe, su contenido se inofensivamente absorbidas por el cuerpo, por lo general en cuestión de horas.El embarazo puede alterar el tamaño del pecho de un modo impredecible y podría afectar a los resultados a largo plazo de aumento de senos.Hasta mayo de 2000, la regulación federal prohíbe el aumento de senos para la cirugía puramente estética en mujeres menores de 18 años de edadEsta información es traído a usted por cortesía de Dr. Mark Bishara y La Cirugía Plástica y Paragon Med Spa

You might consider a mommy makeover cosmetic surgery procedure if pregnancy or childbirth has reduced the fullness of your breasts, or caused sagging of the breasts, and left you with sagging skin in your midsection.  We provide a mommy makeover procedure for you moms out there who have these issues.

Goals of Mommy Makeover

The combined procedures known as mommy makeover are customized to meet your needs. The desired outcome of a mommy makeover is full, lifted breasts and a tight abdomen.

Breast Lift Procedure

To reshape the breasts, our mommy makeover patients choose to undergo a breast lift with or without augmentation (breast implants). A breast lift increases breast perkiness. Implants can restore or create a fuller breast contour. The ideal candidates for a breast lift are women who have completed their child bearing and breastfeeding and who are also close to their ideal weight.

Tummy Tuck Procedure

To reshape the midsection, our mommy makeover patients choose a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) with or without liposuction. The tummy tuck tightens the abdomen while removing excess skin. Liposuction addresses excess fatty tissue. The best candidate for a tummy tuck procedure are women who are close to an ideal weight. Dr. Bishara believes that patients who intend to lose more weight or women who want to have more children should wait to have this procedure.
Please contact us for more information at (817) 473-2120 or visit our website at

en Español

Usted podría considerar un procedimiento de cirugía estética makeover de la mama si el embarazo o el parto se ha reducido la plenitud de sus senos, o causado caída de los senos, y le dejó con la flacidez de la piel en su abdomen. Proporcionamos un procedimiento makeover de la mama para usted mamás por ahí que tienen estos problemas.
OBJETIVOS DE Mommy Makeover
Los procedimientos combinados conocidos como makeover de la mama pueden personalizarse para satisfacer sus necesidades. El resultado deseado de un makeover de la mama está llena, levantó los pechos y el abdomen apretado.
Para cambiar la forma de los pechos, nuestros pacientes makeover de la mama optan por someterse a un levantamiento de senos con o sin aumento (implantes de senos). Un levantamiento de senos aumenta perkiness mama. Los implantes se pueden restaurar o crear un contorno de pecho más lleno. Los candidatos ideales para un levantamiento de senos son las mujeres que han completado su fértil y la lactancia materna y que también están cerca de su peso ideal.
Para cambiar la forma de la sección media, nuestros pacientes makeover de la mama eligen una cirugía estética de abdomen (abdominoplastia), con o sin liposucción. La cirugía estética de abdomen se tensa el abdomen mientras se quita el exceso de piel. La liposucción se dirige a exceso de tejido graso. El mejor candidato para un procedimiento de cirugía estética de abdomen son mujeres que están cerca de un peso ideal. Dr. Bishara cree que los pacientes que tienen intención de perder más peso o las mujeres que quieren tener más hijos deben esperar a tener este procedimiento.
Por favor, póngase en contacto con nosotros para obtener más información al (817) 473-2120 o visite nuestro sitio web en

What Happens to Breast Implants As You Age?
Many patients choose to replace their implants because of the natural effects of aging. All breasts, whether natural or implanted, are subject to gravity, sun damage, lost tissue connectivity and the physical effects of motherhood.
The natural breast tissue changes and becomes more lax over time in all women, including those who have had breast augmentation. This means that unfortunately, some women will experience sagging of their breasts as they age, even after getting breast implants. Over time changes in the breasts happen, including: breast sagging, hormonal fluctuations size change, as well as visible rippling of the implants. Women who received implants before motherhood may discover that pregnancy and breastfeeding change the original appearance of their breast implants. Many women voluntarily return after they are through having children, wanting to restore their breasts to the look and feel of the original implants.
Some patients will therefore need further surgery in the future, like a breast lift, breast reduction, breast augmentation, or a combination of these, to address this sagging and restore a more youthful appearance.
Some women can also experience hardening of the breasts over time known as “capsular contracture”. If this is severe or bothersome, more surgery is typically recommended. Fortunately, this has become much less frequent as implant technology and techniques have improved over the last several years.
As with any other type of surgery, patients can mitigate some of the risk of complications by selecting a surgeon who is well-experienced and has a respected presence in the medical community. Make sure you put your beauty in hands you can trust: Request a consultation with The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa today. You can also call our office at (817) 473-2120 or visit our website at
En Espanol
¿Qué sucede con los implantes mamarios a medida que envejece?
Muchos pacientes optan por reemplazar sus implantes debido a los efectos naturales del envejecimiento. Todos los pechos, ya sea natural o implantado, están sujetos a la gravedad, el daño solar, perdieron la conectividad del tejido y los efectos físicos de la maternidad.
Los cambios en el tejido natural del pecho y se vuelve más laxa con el tiempo en todas las mujeres, incluidas las que han tenido aumento de mamas. Esto significa que, por desgracia, algunas mujeres experimentan la flacidez de sus senos a medida que envejecen, incluso después de recibir los implantes mamarios. Con el tiempo los cambios en los senos suceden, incluyendo: flacidez de mama, el cambio fluctuaciones tamaño hormonal, así como ondulación visible de los implantes. Las mujeres que recibieron implantes antes de la maternidad pueden descubrir que el embarazo y la lactancia materna cambian el aspecto original de sus implantes mamarios. Muchas mujeres regresan voluntariamente después de que son a través de tener hijos, con ganas de recuperar sus pechos a la apariencia de los implantes originales.
Por ello, algunos pacientes necesitarán cirugía adicional en el futuro, como un levantamiento de senos, reducción de senos, aumento de senos, o una combinación de éstos, para abordar esta flacidez y restaurar una apariencia más juvenil.
Algunas mujeres también pueden experimentar endurecimiento de los senos en el tiempo conocido como “contractura capsular”. Si esto es grave o molesto, se recomienda por lo general más de la cirugía. Afortunadamente, esto se ha convertido en mucho menos frecuentes a medida que la tecnología de implantes y las técnicas han mejorado en los últimos años.
Al igual que con cualquier otro tipo de cirugía, los pacientes pueden mitigar algunos de los riesgos de complicaciones por la selección de un cirujano que es muy experimentado y tiene una presencia respetable en la comunidad médica. Asegúrese de que usted pone su belleza en las manos que usted puede confiar: Solicite una consulta con la Cirugía Plástica y Paragon Med Spa en la actualidad. También puede llamar a nuestra oficina al (817) 473-2120 o visite nuestro sitio web en