
The ARTAS Robotic System

ARTAS Robot's Imaging System
The ARTAS Robot’s Imaging System

The ARTAS FUE robot is an image-guided system composed of a robotic arm, dual-needle punch mechanism, video imaging system, and a user interface. Its extraction technique consists of a double-punch arrangement with an inner (sharp) punch and outer (dull) punch. The inner punch has cutting capabilities to score the upper most part of the skin and the outer punch has a blunt edge used for dissection of the follicular units from the surrounding tissue that minimizes injury to the grafts. The image-guided system allows this step to be accomplished with great precision. The patient lies on a specially designed operating table that allows access of the robotic arm to the donor area of the scalp.
The ARTAS System is an interactive, computer assisted equipment employing image guidance to enhance the quality of hair follicle harvesting. ARTAS is the first hair transplant robot to improve the most challenging aspects of Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).
There are two common ways to treat balding including strip harvesting and follicular unit extraction (FUE).  Strip harvesting is the most commonly used technique right now, and it is an efficient means of harvesting large quantities of follicles.
FUE offers less discomfort and a faster return to normal daily activities than traditional, more invasive methods of hair restoration. Performed in Dr. Bishara’s office, FUE with ARTAS moves healthy, functioning follicles to the areas of the patient’s scalp most impacted by baldness for more dramatic results. The implanted hairs develop their own blood supply, begin to grow and new hairs are seen a few months after the procedure has taken place. New hair continues to grow over the course of a full year, making the change in the patient’s appearance gradually noticeable to others. Healing time is short, and there is no resultant linear scar as happens with other methods of hair restoration. The only evidence is tiny, white scars left in the donor area, which are the same as those produced by manual FUE.

Benefits of ARTAS System
Robotic technology is used in numerous surgical and diagnostic procedures to improve the efficacy of treatments.  Restoration Robotics has incorporated robotic technology into FUE resulting in the ARTAS system which is the first and only FDA-cleared technology that allows the physician to control the image-guided robot.  I am able to make minor adjustments to dissection depths and angles during the extraction process ensuring my patients receive optimal results.
Before and After Pictures:

Please view more before and after pictures on our website at

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Robotic hair transplant surgery is a logical advance in the technology of Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).  In Robotic FUE hair transplant procedures, follicular units are isolated using the ARTAS robotic system. The ARTAS system is a computerized, image-guided robot that automates the labor intensive process of extracting grafts. Its advantage over other FUE techniques is due to its precision and consistency in extracting grafts. All FUE procedures at The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa are performed using the ARTAS robot.
The ARTAS® Robotic System is the first and only robotic hair transplant system. Using image-guided robotics, the physician-assisted ARTAS Robotic System precisely dissects follicular units, thousands of times in a single session.
ARTAS is the very latest technology in hair restoration.  Dr. Bishara is using the ARTAS System in his Mansfield and Southlake offices. This interactive, computer assisted equipment employs image guidance to enhance the quality of hair follicle harvesting. ARTAS is the first hair transplant robot to improve the most challenging aspects of Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).
Hair Transplants | Dallas TX | Mansfield TXThis physician-controlled, state-of-the-art system enables the harvesting of hair follicles during hair restoration procedures. It offers numerous beneficial features, including an image-guided robotic arm, special imaging technologies, small dermal punches and a computer interface. The ARTAS System is capable of identifying and harvesting individual follicular units to implement the FUE technique. The device, guided by cameras and 3-D imaging software, can perform the dissection of hair follicles individually at a rate of up to 1,000 per hour.
The advantages of FUE over traditional hair transplant methods are having no linear scar in the donor area and having no post-operative limitations on physical activity. Robotic technology enables FUE to be performed with unparalleled precision.
Please visit our website at for more information on robotic hair transplants or call our office at (817) 473-2120.

Most people are a candidate for hair transplant surgery. However, in order to properly determine your candidacy for the procedure, an ARTAS physician will need to consider various factors, including age, family history of hair loss, current and projected future hair loss pattern (area of baldness), donor characteristics (laxity and density), and whether or not the goals of the patient can realistically be met.
The best way to find out if you are a candidate for a hair restoration procedure is to go to a surgeon that specializes in hair restoration. The answer will depend on the cause of your hair loss, your age, the stability of your donor supply, how extensive you hair loss is, your expectations and a number of other important factors that will be taken into account.
It’s important to have realistic expectations before undergoing a hair transplant procedure.
Remember there is a finite amount of donor hair that can be moved to the thinning areas of the scalp. If that hair isn’t used in an efficient manner the outcome of the procedure might not meet your expectations.  Every patient is examined on a case-by-case basis, but here are some general types of patients that are great candidates for hair transplants:

Technology Makes a Difference Click Here to download the brochure

The best candidates for hair restoration surgery are:

  • Men who have been losing their hair due to Male Pattern Baldness for more than five years or who have progressed to a Norwood class 3 or above.
  • Men with realistic expectations and who understand that their hair loss might continue to progress even if they are taking prescription medication to stop the progression.
  • Men who have been balding for many years and who’s pattern has stabilized and are interested in just adding some hair to provide a more youthful appearance.
  • Men and women who have lost hair due to trauma or burns
  • Men and women who have lost hair due to other cosmetic procedures such as face-lifts.

Some women are candidates for hair restoration surgery. They are:

  • Women who have suffered hair loss due to mechanical or traction alopecia (non-hormonal).
  • Women who have had previous cosmetic or plastic surgery and are concerned about hair loss around the incision sites.
  • Women who have a distinct pattern of baldness, similar to that of male pattern baldness. This includes hairline recession, vertex thinning (on the crown or top of the scalp), and a donor area that is not affected by androgenetic alopecia.
  • Women who suffer hair loss due to trauma, including burn victims, scarring from accidents, and chemical burns.
  • Women with alopecia marginalis, a condition that looks very similar to traction alopecia.

Hair Restoration is available for many areas, not just the head, although that is the most common place.  We also do hair restoration for eyelashes, eyebrows and beards.
Please visit the website of Dr. Bishara, who specializes in Hair RestorationRobotic Hair Transplants and Plastic Surgery at or call our office at (817) 473-2120.

(Before and After Pictures of one of our patients)

For the right patient, exhibiting the right hair and scalp characteristics, hair transplant surgery can be a life changing cosmetic procedure. However, not every hair loss sufferer is a good candidate for surgical hair restoration. It’s important to fully understand the criteria that makes a good hair transplant candidate in order to make a better informed decision when considering surgical hair restoration.

The best way to find out if you are a candidate for a hair restoration procedure is to go to a dermatologist or plastic surgeon specializing in hair restoration. The answer will depend on the cause of your hair loss, your age, the stability of your donor supply, how extensive you hair loss is, your expectations and a number of other important factors that will be taken into account.
For the right candidate hair restoration surgery can significantly improve your appearance and general sense well being.  You must have realistic expectations before undergoing a hair transplant procedure.
Here are some general types of patients that are great candidates for hair transplants:
The best candidates for hair restoration surgery are:

  • Men who have been losing their hair due to Male Pattern Baldness for more than five years or who have progressed to a Norwood class 3 or above.
  • Men with realistic expectations and who understand that their hair loss might continue to progress even if they are taking prescription medication to stop the progression.
  • Men who have been balding for many years and who’s pattern has stabilized and are interested in just adding some hair to provide a more youthful appearance.
  • Men and women who have lost hair due to trauma or burns
  • Men and women who have lost hair due to other cosmetic procedures such as face-lifts.

Some women are candidates for hair restoration surgery. They are:

  • Women who have suffered hair loss due to mechanical or traction alopecia (non-hormonal).
  • Women who have had previous cosmetic or plastic surgery and are concerned about hair loss around the incision sites.
  • Women who have a distinct pattern of baldness, similar to that of male pattern baldness. This includes hairline recession, vertex thinning (on the crown or top of the scalp), and a donor area that is not affected by androgenetic alopecia.
  • Women who suffer hair loss due to trauma, including burn victims, scarring from accidents, and chemical burns.
  • Women with alopecia marginalis, a condition that looks very similar to traction alopecia.

Please visit the website of Dr. Bishara, who specializes in Hair RestorationRobotic Hair Transplants and Plastic Surgery at or call our office at (817) 473-2120.

en Español

(Antes y después de las imágenes de uno de nuestros pacientes)
Para el paciente adecuado, mostrando las características del cabello y del cuero cabelludo derecha, la cirugía de trasplante de cabello puede ser un cambio de vida procedimiento cosmético. Sin embargo, no todo paciente a la pérdida del cabello es un buen candidato para la restauración quirúrgica del cabello. Es importante comprender plenamente los criterios que hacen un buen candidato a trasplante de pelo con el fin de tomar una decisión mejor informada al considerar la restauración quirúrgica del cabello.
La mejor manera de averiguar si usted es un candidato para un procedimiento de restauración del cabello es ir a un dermatólogo o cirujano plástico que se especializa en la restauración del cabello. La respuesta dependerá de la causa de su pérdida de cabello, su edad, la estabilidad de su oferta de donantes, lo extenso que la pérdida del cabello es, de sus expectativas y una serie de otros factores importantes que se tendrán en cuenta.
Para la cirugía de restauración capilar candidato adecuado puede mejorar significativamente su apariencia y la sensación general de bienestar. Usted debe tener expectativas realistas antes de someterse a un procedimiento de trasplante de cabello.
Estos son algunos tipos generales de los pacientes que son grandes candidatos a trasplantes de cabello:
Los mejores candidatos para la cirugía de restauración del cabello son:
Los hombres que han ido perdiendo su cabello debido a la calvicie de patrón masculino durante más de cinco años o que han progresado a una clase Norwood 3 o superior.Los hombres con expectativas realistas y que entienden que su pérdida de cabello puede continuar progresando incluso si están tomando medicamentos de prescripción para detener la progresión.Los hombres que han sido quedando calvos por muchos años y que son modelo se ha estabilizado y está interesado en sólo añadir un poco de pelo para proporcionar un aspecto más juvenil.Los hombres y las mujeres que han perdido el pelo debido a un traumatismo o quemadurasLos hombres y las mujeres que han perdido el pelo debido a otros procedimientos estéticos, como liftings.Algunas mujeres son candidatos para la cirugía de restauración capilar.
Ellos son:
Las mujeres que han sufrido la pérdida de cabello debido a la alopecia de tracción mecánica o (no hormonal).Las mujeres que han tenido cirugía plástica o cosmética anterior y están preocupados por la pérdida de pelo alrededor de las incisiones.Las mujeres que tienen un patrón distinto de la calvicie, similar a la de la calvicie de patrón masculino. Esto incluye recesión línea del cabello, adelgazamiento vértice (en la corona o parte superior del cuero cabelludo), y una zona donante que no está afectada por la alopecia androgenética.Las mujeres que sufren de pérdida de cabello debido a un traumatismo, incluidas las víctimas de quemaduras, cicatrices de accidentes y quemaduras químicas.Las mujeres con alopecia marginalis, una condición que se ve muy similar a la alopecia por tracción.
Por favor, visite el sitio web del Dr. Bishara, que se especializa en la restauración del pelo, robóticos trasplantes de pelo y Cirugía Plástica en o llame a nuestra oficina al (817) 473-2120.

The best way to find out if you are a candidate for a hair restoration procedure is to go to a dermatologist or plastic surgeon specializing in hair restoration. The answer will depend on the cause of your hair loss, your age, the stability of your donor supply, how extensive you hair loss is, your expectations and a number of other important factors that will be taken into account.
For the right candidate hair restoration surgery can significantly improve your appearance and general sense well being, however, not everyone is a good candidate for the surgery and those who are must have realistic expectations before undergoing a hair transplant procedure.
Remember there is a finite amount of donor hair that can be moved to the thinning areas of the scalp. If that hair isn’t used in an efficient manner the outcome of the procedure might not meet your expectations.  Every patient is examined on a case-by-case basis, but here are some general types of patients that are great candidates for hair transplants:
The best candidates for hair restoration surgery are:

  • Men who have been losing their hair due to Male Pattern Baldness for more than five years or who have progressed to a Norwood class 3 or above.
  • Men with realistic expectations and who understand that their hair loss might continue to progress even if they are taking prescription medication to stop the progression.
  • Men who have been balding for many years and who’s pattern has stabilized and are interested in just adding some hair to provide a more youthful appearance.
  • Men and women who have lost hair due to trauma or burns
  • Men and women who have lost hair due to other cosmetic procedures such as face-lifts.

Some women are candidates for hair restoration surgery. They are:

  • Women who have suffered hair loss due to mechanical or traction alopecia (non-hormonal).
  • Women who have had previous cosmetic or plastic surgery and are concerned about hair loss around the incision sites.
  • Women who have a distinct pattern of baldness, similar to that of male pattern baldness. This includes hairline recession, vertex thinning (on the crown or top of the scalp), and a donor area that is not affected by androgenetic alopecia.
  • Women who suffer hair loss due to trauma, including burn victims, scarring from accidents, and chemical burns.
  • Women with alopecia marginalis, a condition that looks very similar to traction alopecia.

Please visit the website of Dr. Bishara, who specializes in Hair Restoration, Robotic Hair Transplants and Plastic Surgery at or call our office at (817) 473-2120.